Issue - decisions

Business Centre Review

22/06/2010 - Business Centre Review



1)      the Borough Council continue to own / lease and manage all three business centres;


2)      the aim of the business centres be to provide accommodation and support to as many businesses as possible, having a mixture of maturities, that realises the Borough Council’s wider objectives to boost enterprise and employment across the Borough as a whole (the business centres should be viewed as an economic development asset, contributing to the process of creating and supporting a prosperous community); 


3)      in the first instance, Officers be instructed to improve occupancy and business support, with regard to helping start, grow, retain and attract businesses (Appendix 5 to the report outlines the matters which Officers shall consider in this respect);


4)      Officers be instructed to investigate how the business centres’ expenditure can be reduced and income better maximised (Appendix 5 outlines the matters which Officers shall consider in this respect);

5)      the recommendations be reviewed in three years, as key factors may have changed in that time – or earlier if urgent matters arise which need examining or changing;




6)         further authority be delegated to the Head of Planning & Regeneration,  Business Centres Manager, or Economic Development Manager, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder, so that occupancy and performance can be improved, as detailed in Appendix 6 to the report.