Issue - decisions

Corporate Plan - Phase 1

02/11/2009 - Corporate Plan - Phase 1



1)                 the Vision and Priorities, detailed in paragraph 5.6 of the report, be adopted namely;

a)                 Vision - an enterprising community which is safe, clean and green.

b)                 Priorities


                                                  i)                  Enterprising Community which is defined as a vibrant and vital Borough where its population is well educated, has high skill levels and is healthy and fit.  Housing is excellent and varied and the community is served by a prosperous town centre and has access to first class leisure facilities.  The Council’s voice is influential and respected by residents, partners, other governmental agencies and suppliers.  The Town’s economy provides sufficient high quality jobs for residents with good levels of pay and reward.

                                                ii)                  Safe – the Council will work in partnership with other agencies through the Redditch Community Safety Partnership to reduce crime and disorder.  The Council will identify key projects to build community confidence and allow residents and visitors to be safe and feel safe.

                                              iii)                  Clean and Greento develop attractive open spaces, taking enforcement action against littering, fly tipping and other behaviour detrimental to the environment where appropriate and supporting measures to tackle climate change.

The above three priorities to be underpinned by:


Well Managed Organisation – in order to deliver efficient and effective services and achieve the Council’s priorities and outcomes, the Council needs to be a well managed organisation.

2)                 the revised Corporate Performance Indicators, attached at Appendix 2 of the report ; be adopted and

3)                 the revised values, as set out in paragraph 5.8 and shown below, be adopted.


a)                 we place a value in Partnership working, ensuring that these partnerships add value to service delivery and provide Redditch with a strong voice both locally and regionally.

b)                 we are Fair in the decisions that we make.  We value probity and fairness and strive to understand the needs of all communities, embracing a diverse range of needs and showing respect at all times.

c)                 we are Responsive and Accountable.  We believe in customer focus and aim to deliver a standard of service that our customers require whilst being open and honest about the decisions we make.  We aim to achieve greater value for money through smarter practices and new technology.

d)                 we value feedback through Communication and Consultation.  We listen and act appropriately, and will enable and provide support for people to become involved in the services we deliver.’