Issue - decisions

Voluntary Sector Grant Applications 2009/10

14/12/2009 - Voluntary Sector Grant Applications 2009/10



1)         the budget for grants to voluntary sector organisations for 2010/11 be set at £244,800;


2)         the Grants Support Officer post role be enhanced to a full time post to provide support and strategic focus on the voluntary sector, and the associated costs arising from the development of this post be approved;


and RESOLVED that


3)         grants be awarded to voluntary sector organisations as detailed below;




Amount Requested

Details of Project

Redditch Chinese Association


To support the Chinese New Year Celebration in February 2010

Sandycroft Wellbeing Centre


To support the development of a nutrition awareness program which is tailored towards the diets of the BME community

Polish Community


To teach Polish children to learn Polish dancing , enabling them to perform and bring the generations and cultures together

West Indian Society


Provision of luncheon club, social activities, exercise and health living for people over the age of 50, primarily of African and Caribbean descent.

Caribbean Roots


To enhance the Celebration of Black History Month celebrations

Rainbow Redditch


To hold a Mardi Gras event for LGBT history month in February 20010

Romani Roots


The grant would support the launch of the POD. The POD is an interactive computer pod which will have details of local history, local communities/groups/organisations, and individuals of note within the community in the past and present.

British Asian Women's Group


To provide local women with an arena to experience aspects of the British way of life and promote values such as good health and cultural education.





4)         authority be delegated to the Head of Strategy & Partnerships to withdraw grant funding to Rainbow Redditch should the full funding not be obtained to complete the project; and


5)         the ‘core funded’ organisations be requested to complete a grant application for 2010/11 at a level not exceeding their current level of grant funding.


(Prior to consideration of this item, and in accordance with the requirements of Section 81 of the Local Government Act 2000, Councillors Anderson (Play Council) and Clayton (Citizen’s Advice Bureau) declared personal and prejudicial interests in view of their involvement in local third sector organisations and withdrew from the meeting.)