Issue - decisions

Climate Change Strategy

15/11/2010 - Climate Change Strategy



1)                 the report be noted;

2)                 an annual report be made to the Executive Committee on energy savings, linking into the budget building process; and




3)                 the Climate Change Strategy, as attached at Appendix 1 of the report, be adopted;

4)                 100% of the savings from the Salix project be reinvested into further climate change work; and

5)                 a policy be approved for insertion in both the Planning Core Strategy and Climate Change Strategy whereby:  “for any new developments that the Council undertakes, for example when building a new public leisure centre, consideration of whole life costs of the building are considered and, as part of this, all new public buildings should aim to exceed the nationally set BREEAM standard.”

(An amendment to the recommendations was proposed, seconded and defeated.)