Issue - decisions

Grants Policy 2011/12

08/12/2010 - Voluntary and Community Sector Grants Policy



1)         the updated Voluntary Sector Grants Policy attached to the report at Appendix 1 be approved;


2)         the following themes and percentages of funding be allocated for the 2011/12 voluntary and community sector grants process:


§         Enterprising Communities                  -   55% =  £130,000

§         Safe/ Clean & Green                              -     8% =  £  20,000

§         LSP theme - Health and Wellbeing    -     8% =  £  20,000

§         LSP theme - Education                         -   25% =  £  60,000

§         LSP theme – Stronger Communities -   4% =   £    9,000;


3)       £2,000 be re-allocated from the existing Grants budget for the use by the Grants Team to deliver:

·            workshops, networking and promotional events;

·            advertising and communication support;

·            newsletters; and

·            support packages;




RESOLVED that, subject to the Council’s approval of the above recommendations 1) & 2), 

4)       authority be delegated to the Head of Community Services, in consultation with the Grants Panel, to agree the allocation of community grants under the Local Strategic Partnership ‘Stronger Communities’ theme.


(Members noted that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee had pre-scrutinised, and recommended approval of, these proposals.)