Issue - decisions

Budget 2011/12 - Update

17/01/2011 - Update of Medium Term Financial Plan 2011/12 - 2013/14



1)      the revenue bids 2011/12 – 2013/14 as identified in Appendix A be noted;


2)      the new capital bids  2011/12 – 2013/14 at Appendix B be noted and the priority categorisation of the following bid be amended:


Solar Panels (POLICY AND COMMUNICATIONS)  - upgrade from MEDIUM to HIGH; and


3)      Heads of Service be requested to continue to review the budget with the aim of presenting a balanced position to the Executive Committee meeting in February 2011.


(It was noted that the figure of £13K for the Development Training Programme  in the Revenue Bids was for all three years, not just 2011/12 as stated in the report.


Members highlighted their intention to accept only those bids were categorised as high priority bids.)