
Decisions published
Title Date Effective from Call-ins
The purchase and installation of specialist catering equipment and cabins - Arrow Valley Visitors Centre ref: 110426/03/202402/07/2024Call-in expired
Awarding of UKSPF funding to the Changing Places Toilet project ref: 110201/04/202410/05/2024Call-in expired
Awarding of UKSPF funding to the Safer Street Improvements project ref: 110101/04/202410/05/2024Call-in expired
Awarding of UKSPF funding to the Cycle Route 5 Improvements project ref: 110001/04/202410/05/2024Call-in expired
Awarding of UKSPF funding to the Morton Stanley Park Art Trail project ref: 109801/04/202410/05/2024Call-in expired
Awarding of UKSPF funding to the Cycle Training Track project ref: 109901/04/202410/05/2024Call-in expired