Issue details

Appeal in respect of a Rent Relief grant

To consider a report setting out a business case in respect of an appeal relating to the level of Rent Relief grant applied to a property leased by the Council to a Voluntary or Community Sector organisation.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Deleted

Wards affected: (Central Ward);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/08/2013

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  - View reasons

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
It is anticipated that information will be discussed which would reveal the financial affairs of an organisation.

Decision due: 14 Jan 2014 by Executive

Lead member: Portfolio Holder for Corporate Management

Lead director: Exec Director (Finance and Corporate Resources)

Department: Finance and Corporate Resources Directorate

Contact: Head of Finance and Resources 01527 64252 (Extn. 3295) Tel: 01527 64252 ext 3295.