To consider and approve the recommendations forwarded by the Joint Worcestershire Scrutiny into Flooding Task and Finish Group in February 2009 and any additional suggestions since proposed by relevant Officers from Redditch Borough Council regarding the practical and financial implications of these recommendations for the Council.
(Key Decision)
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Decision due: 29 Sep 2010 by Executive
Lead member: Councillor Brandon Clayton
Lead director: S Hanley, Deputy Chief Executive and Executive Director (Leisure, Environmental & Community Services)
Department: Leisure, Culture, Environment & Community Services and Deputy Chief Executive's Directorate
Contact: Clive Wilson, Operations Manager, LECS Email: Tel: 01527 64252 ext 3379.
Relevant Officers and a number of drainage partnerships.