Issue details

Local Development Scheme - Update

To seek Members agreement on a revised Core Strategy work timetable.


To seek Members approval to abandon production of the Site Allocations Development Plan Document.


Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Affects more than 1 ward;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Decision due: 10 Jan 2011 by Executive
Reason: Preparing a Core Strategy is a Council Priority

Lead member: Councillor Jinny Pearce

Lead director: J Staniland, Exec Director - Planning & Regeneration, Regulatory and Housing Services

Department: Planning & Regeneration, Regulatory, Housing Services Directorate

Contact: Emma Baker, Principle Planning Officer Email: Tel: 01527 64252 ext 3034.

Consultation process

Members will be consulted through the Planning Advisory Panel (PAP) which is open to all Members.


Regular PAP meetings.


Agenda items


  • Report of the Head of Planning & Regeneration; Local Development Scheme No4 - July 2010