Issue details

Garden Waste

Further to the detailed report submitted to the Executive Committee on 20th October, 2010, to provide Members with an update on the additional consultation exercise in the west area to determine likely levels of take up and make recommendations for the future of the service.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Affects more than 1 ward;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Decision due: 12 Jan 2011 by Executive
Reason: To inform Executive Committee of the outcomes of the trial garden waste collection service and the additional consultation exercise in the west area in order that a decision regarding the future of the service can be made.

Lead member: Councillor Brandon Clayton

Lead director: J Staniland, Exec Director - Planning & Regeneration, Regulatory and Housing Services

Department: Planning & Regeneration, Regulatory, Housing Services Directorate

Contact: S Horrobin, Waste Management Manager Email: Tel: 01527 64252 ext 3706.

Consultation process

The Overview and Scrutiny Committee considered the issues on 6th October 2010.  Consultation with residents using and not using the service has been carried out during the trial and details were included in 20th October report.  Members requested that an additional consultation exercise in the west area was undertaken to assess likely levels of customer take up; this being done during early December 2010.


Report presented to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

Survey posted to customers.

Doorstep survey of non users.

Face to face survey of residents using household waste site.

Pre-paid card delivered to target properties week commencing 29th November with return date of 13th December.

Consultation Period or Dates: Overview and Scrutiny Committee - 6th October 2010. Public consultation at various dates during trial period (March - November 2010) Additional consultation exercise in west area carried out between 29th November and 13th December 2010.

Decisions to be made in partnership with: Not applicable.


Agenda items


  • Report of Head of Environmental Services.