Issue details

Redditch Borough Council's Grants Programme 2012/13

Redditch Borough Council’s grant programme fund is 245k for the 2012/13 period.  Recommendations for grant themes and percentage of the funds split will need to be approved in readiness for launching this programme to the VCS.


Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Decision due: 4 Oct 2011 by Executive
Reason: The recommendations for Redditch Borough Council’s Voluntary & Community Grants programme for 2012/13 will need to be approved via the committee.

Decision due: 17 Oct 2011 by Council

Lead member: Portfolio Holder for Community Leadership and Partnership (including the Voluntary Sector and Health Services), Councillor Carole Gandy

Lead director:

Department: Leisure, Culture, Environment & Community Services and Deputy Chief Executive's Directorate

Contact: Donna Hancox, Voluntary Sector Grants Co-ordinator (01527) 64252 (Extn. 3015) Email: Tel: 01527 64252 ext 3015.

Consultation process

Meetings and Feedback requests via email



Cllrs – Grants Panel – Head of Service Portfolio holder


Consultation Period or Dates: June - August 2011

Decisions to be made in partnership with: N/A

Agenda items


  • Report of the Head of Community Services