Issue details

Tenancy Strategy and Policy 2012 - 2014

The report will present a Tenancy Strategy and Policy which sets out the considerations for individual social landlords to have regard to in their own policies on the granting and re-issuing of tenancies relating to;


·        The kinds of tenancies that they grant;

·        The circumstances in which they will grant a tenancy of a particular kind;

·        Where they grant tenancies for a fixed term, the length of the term;

·        The circumstances in which they will grant a further tenancy on the ending of the existing one.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Decision due: 18 Dec 2012 by Executive
Reason: The Council is required by the Localism Act 2011 to implement a Tenancy Strategy

Decision due: 7 Jan 2013 by Council

Lead member: Councillor Mark Shurmer

Lead director:

Department: Leisure, Culture, Environment & Community Services and Deputy Chief Executive's Directorate

Contact: Matthew Bough, Acting Housing Strategy and Enabling Manager Email: Tel: 01527 64252 ext 3120.

Consultation process

Consultation Events



District Councils

Registered Local Landlords

Adult and Community Services

Voluntary and Community Sector

Consultation Period or Dates: Ongoing since December 2009

Decisions to be made in partnership with: Not applicable

Agenda items


  • Joint reportt of the Head of Community Services and Head of Housing