Issue details

Worcestershire Extra Care Housing Strategy 2011 - 2026

Worcestershire County Council with District and Borough Councils support has developed a strategy setting out a framework for the development of Extra Care Housing that covers all areas of Worcestershire.


The strategy estimates that an additional 4,651 units of extra care housing will be required across Worcestershire by 2026 to reflect the growing population of older people and the desire for people to continue to live in their own homes rather than residential care.


The strategy which aims to make Extra Care Housing an increasingly well known and chosen form of accommodation for people that want to buy or rent, identifies local authorities as taking the leading role in encouraging providers from the social, charitable and private sectors to deliver the Extra Care Housing required across Worcestershiew.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Affects more than 1 ward;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Decision due: 24 Apr 2012 by Executive
Reason: Affects two or more wards within the District

Lead member: Councillor Brandon Clayton

Lead director: S Hanley, Deputy Chief Executive and Executive Director (Leisure, Environmental & Community Services)

Department: Leisure, Culture, Environment & Community Services and Deputy Chief Executive's Directorate

Contact: Matthew Bough, Acting Housing Strategy and Enabling Manager Email: Tel: 01527 64252 ext 3120.

Decisions to be made in partnership with: Worcestershire County Council and all six local authorities in Worcestershire

Agenda items


  • Report of the Head of Community Services