Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Blue Light Hub - Middlehouse Lane Report - (report to follow)'
- Councillor Andrew Fry - Other disclosable - Councillors Tom Baker-Price, Brandon Clayton and Andrew Fry declared other disclosable interests in respect of Minute Item No. 60 – Blue Light Hub – Middlehouse Lane Report, due to their involvement as members of the Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue Authority. They remained in the meeting during consideration of this item and participated in the vote.
- Councillor Brandon Clayton - Other disclosable - Councillors Tom Baker-Price, Brandon Clayton and Andrew Fry declared other disclosable interests in respect of Minute Item No. 60 – Blue Light Hub – Middlehouse Lane Report, due to their involvement as members of the Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue Authority. They remained in the meeting during consideration of this item and participated in the vote.
- Councillor Matthew Dormer - Pecuniary - Councillor Matthew Dormer declared a pecuniary interest in respect of Minute Item No. 60 – Blue Light Hub – Middlehouse Lane Report, due to his position as a paid firefighter. He left the meeting prior to consideration of this item and did not participate in the debate or vote thereon.
- Councillor Tom Baker-Price - Other disclosable - Councillors Tom Baker-Price, Brandon Clayton and Andrew Fry declared other disclosable interests in respect of Minute Item No. 60 – Blue Light Hub – Middlehouse Lane Report, due to their involvement as members of the Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue Authority. They remained in the meeting during consideration of this item and participated in the vote.