Declarations of interest for agenda item 'West Mercia Road Safety Team Presentation'
- Councillor Brandon Clayton - Other disclosable - During consideration of minute item 43 West Mercia Road Safety Team Presentation Councillors Salman Akbar, Karen Ashley, Brandon Clayton and Lucy Harrison declared an other disclosable interest due to their roles as voluntary members of Community Speed Watch. They remained present during the debate.
- Councillor Karen Ashley - Other disclosable - During consideration of minute item 43 West Mercia Road Safety Team Presentation Councillors Salman Akbar, Karen Ashley, Brandon Clayton and Lucy Harrison declared an other disclosable interest due to their roles as voluntary members of Community Speed Watch. They remained present during the debate.
- Councillor Lucy Harrison - Other disclosable - During consideration of minute item 43 West Mercia Road Safety Team Presentation Councillors Salman Akbar, Karen Ashley, Brandon Clayton and Lucy Harrison declared an other disclosable interest due to their roles as voluntary members of Community Speed Watch. They remained present during the debate.
- Councillor Salman Akbar - Other disclosable - During consideration of minute item 43 West Mercia Road Safety Team Presentation Councillors Salman Akbar, Karen Ashley, Brandon Clayton and Lucy Harrison declared an other disclosable interest due to their roles as voluntary members of Community Speed Watch. They remained present during the debate.