Voting record

 Council, Monday, 14th November, 2022 7.00 pm

Item: Executive Committee

Recorded Vote on the Town Hall Hub proposals:

Resolution status:Carried

A recorded vote was requested on the following proposals from the Executive Committee on the subject of the Town Hall Hub:




1)          building works on the Town Hall of up to £5.2m, (or reduced amount in the event that for any reason the Town’s Fund Library Business Case does not proceed to fruition) to be funded from Capital Receipts, for the purpose of remodelling the Town Hall in accordance with the Town’s Fund Library business case, be approved; and


2)          the capital programme is increased by £5.2m to deliver these works.


(Prior to the recorded vote, Councillor Michael Chalk left the room and therefore he did not take part in the vote.)

ForImran Altaf, Karen Ashley, Tom Baker-Price, Joanne Beecham, Brandon Clayton, Luke Court, Matthew Dormer, Peter Fleming, Lucy Harrison, Anthony Lovell, Emma Marshall, Timothy Pearman and Craig Warhurst13
AgainstJoe Baker, Juliet Barker Smith, Andrew Fry, Bill Hartnett, Sharon Harvey, Joanna Kane and Sid Khan7
AbstainJuliet Brunner, Ann Isherwood and David Thain3
Conflict Of InterestsNone0