Meeting attendance

Wednesday, 13th October, 2010 7.00 pm, Standards (This Committee has now been combined with Audit and Governance and no longer meets)

Venue:   Town Hall

Contact:    Denise Sunman

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
D Andrews Chair Present
M Collins Vice-Chair Present
B Warwick Committee Member Present
Councillor Anita Clayton Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Andrew Fry Committee Member Present
Councillor Malcolm Hall Committee Member Present
Councillor William Norton Committee Member Present
Councillor Brenda Quinney Committee Member Present
Councillor Mark Shurmer Committee Member Absent
Councillor Derek Taylor Committee Member Present
Claire Felton Officer In attendance
Debbie Parker-Jones Officer In attendance
Ivor Westmore Committee Officer In attendance
A Pulsford Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Michael Braley Councillor Also Present In attendance
Clare Flanagan Officer In attendance