Agenda and minutes

Council - Monday, 9th August, 2010 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Ivor Westmore 

No. Item



The Mayor will open the meeting and welcome all present.


The Mayor’s Chaplain, the Reverend Jo Musson, will lead the Council in prayer.


The Mayor opened the meeting and welcomed all present. In the absence of the Mayor’s Chaplain, the Mayor led the Council in prayer.




To receive any apologies for absence on behalf of Council members.


Apologies for absence were received on behalf of Councillor Graham Vickery.



Declarations of Interest

To invite Councillors to declare any interests they may have in items on the agenda.


There were no declarations of interest.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 171 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 28th June 2010.


(Minutes circulated in Minute Book 2 - 2010/11 – To follow)




the minutes of the meetings of the Council held on 28th June 2010 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.



Petition - REDI Users pdf icon PDF 61 KB

To consider a petition submitted by the REDI Centre Action Group in respect of the options being explored for future provision of adult education training services currently provided at the REDI Centre.


Given the relevance of the recommendation of the Executive Committee on 28th July 2010 in respect of the REDI Centre Options (Minute 44, on decision notice, to follow) to this petition, it has been agreed by the Mayor that both matters will be considered at this point on the agenda. At the discretion of the Mayor, the order of the agenda has also been varied to place this item before Mayor’s and Leader’s Announcements, Leader’s Questions and Notices of Motion.


(Report attached)


A petition had been received in accordance with the new constitutional arrangements and Petition Scheme which contained well in excess of the 400 signatures required to trigger a Council debate.


The ‘petition organiser’, Ms Justine Bailey, took advantage of the opportunity to address the Council on the subject of the options being considered for the future of the services being provided at the REDI Centre and the Centre itself. Members were asked to reconsider Recommendation 1 to the Executive Committee on 28th July as the preferred option. It was contended that the service provided at the REDI Centre still retained its uniqueness and could not readily be obtained elsewhere in the region. The lack of effective management in recent years was highlighted as was the lack of opportunity for the Centre staff to effect a restructure which could have improved the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the service.


Following presentation of the Petition, the Council proceeded to consider the recommendations of the Executive Committee in respect of the REDI Centre Options, these matters having been promoted on the agenda with the agreement of the Mayor owing to the widespread public interest in the issue.


The relative merits of maintaining the service as it presently existed and relocating the Learndirect service to an alternative venue and ceasing to provide the additional services currently provided were discussed at some length. An amendment to the effect that the Council continue to fund and maintain the service as currently provided was the subject of the following named vote in accordance with Standing Order 16:


Members voting FOR the amendment to the motion:


Councillors Greg Chance, Jack Cookson, Andrew Fry, Bill Hartnett, Robin King, Wanda King, Mark Shurmer, Debbie Taylor and Diane Thomas.

(9 votes)


Members voting AGAINST the amendment to the motion:


Councillors Peter Anderson, Kath Banks, Michael Braley, Andrew Brazier, Juliet Brunner, Michael Chalk, Simon Chalk, Anita Clayton, Brandon Clayton, Carole Gandy, Adam Griffin, Roger Hill, Gay Hopkins, William Norton, Jinny Pearce, Brenda Quinney and Derek Taylor.

(17 votes)


Members abstaining from voting:


Councillors Malcolm Hall and Nigel Hicks.


Accordingly, the amendment to the Motion fell and it was




1)         Option 4 as set out within the report to the Executive Committee (relocation of the Learndirect activity to another Council facility) be approved, subject to this being endorsed by Learndirect and that Officers be instructed to liaise with Learndirect as to validation and inspection arrangements; and


2)         the costs of proceeding with Option 4 (£90,000) be approved, these costs to be met from revenue balances.



Communications and Mayor's Announcements

To receive a report from the Mayor on civic matters which have arisen since the last meeting or events which may be occurring in the near future.


To give notice of any variation to the items listed in the Forward Plan and/or items accepted as “Urgent Business”.


(No separate report / oral update)


The Mayor’s communications and announcements were considered under the following headings:


a)         Good Scrutiny Awards


            The Mayor informed the Council of the recognition that had been achieved at the recent Good Scrutiny Awards ceremony organised by the Centre for Public Scrutiny. After being short listed for the Community Influence Award, the Council had received a commendation from the judges for the review that had been undertaken into the Neighbourhood Groups.


Former Councillor Phil Mould attended as he had been the Chair at the time of the review into the Neighbourhood Groups and recognition was given of his role in this achievement, as it was for the efforts of the Overview and Scrutiny Support Officer, Jess Bayley.


b)         Mayor’s Announcements


The Mayor advised that, since the last meeting of the Council she had attended numerous engagements. The Mayor drew particular attention to the presentation of the Queen’s Award for Enterprise to the local firm, Vectric that she had attended.


c)         Forthcoming events


The Mayor advised that she was due to attend at least seven forthcoming events.


d)         Urgent Business


The Mayor advised that she had accepted two additional items of “Urgent Business”:


Item 8 – Leader’s Questions; and


Item 9 – Notice of Motion – Value Added Tax (VAT).


The Mayor had also accepted one late report:


Item 10 – Executive Committee Decisions Notice, 28th July 2010.



Leader's Announcements

To receive a report from the Leader on matters considered to be of significance to the Council.


(No separate report / oral update)


The Leader’s Announcements were considered under the following headings:


a)         Queen’s Award for Innovation


Members were advised that, further to the Mayor attending the presentation of this award, the Council had subsequently written a letter of congratulation to Vectric on the occasion of receiving this commendation.


b)         POD Installation, Palace Theatre


Members were encouraged to visit the POD developed by the Romany Roots organisation and which was currently installed at the Palace Theatre. It contained details of local history, local communities, groups, organisations and individuals of note within the community, both past and present.


c)         Additional matters


During consideration of the Leader’s announcements, the Mayor gave permission for a member to make a further announcements in relation to a matter not listed on the agenda.


d)         Pakistan Floods


Given the scale of the natural disaster that had befallen Pakistan in recent days, the Council agreed that a message of sympathy be extended to the local Pakistani community.



Leaders' Questions pdf icon PDF 54 KB

One question has been received in accordance with Standing Order 8A.


The Leader responded to a question which had been submitted by Councillor Mark Shurmer too late to meet Standing Order deadlines but had been accepted by the Mayor for consideration at the meeting on the basis of its broad public interest, namely:

“Policy Commitments”

(Cllr M Shurmer)


Councillor Shurmer’s question related to what impact the Leader envisaged she would have had by May 2011 and where the policy commitments of her Group to the electorate were to be found.


The Leader responded that the policy commitments of the Group were to be found in the Party’s manifesto, a copy of which had been forwarded to the Minority Party, and that the manifesto had set out what she had believed they would be able to deliver, given the current economic climate. The Leader also communicated a list of what she had already achieved and what she hoped to achieve.



Notices of Motion pdf icon PDF 65 KB

To consider a Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor W Norton in accordance with Standing Order 6, concerning concessionary bus travel.

(Report attached)


Additional documents:


A Notice of Motion had been submitted by Councillor William Norton in respect of Concessionary Bus Fares. The Motion was withdrawn on the evening by Councillor Norton.


A second, urgent Notice of Motion had been submitted by Councillor Robin King too late to meet Standing Order deadlines but had been accepted by the Mayor for consideration at the meeting on the basis of its broad public interest. The Motion was in respect of Value Added Tax (VAT). This was seconded by Councillor Mark Shurmer.


The Council was advised that the projected rise in VAT in January 2011 would impact most seriously on those who were least able to pay and it was contended that the rise in VAT could not be seen as an equitable measure given the regressive nature of the tax. The view was expressed from elsewhere within the Council that current economic conditions left little option other than to increase Government revenue through means such as an increase in VAT. The latter view prevailed and it was duly




the Motion not be approved.



Executive Committee pdf icon PDF 176 KB

A.        To formally receive the minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee held on 16th June 2010.


(All decisions here have previously been fully resolved. There are no outstanding recommendations or referrals which require the Council’s consideration.)


(Minutes circulated in Minute Book 2 2010/11 – to follow)


B.        To receive the decision notice and consider the recommendations and/or referrals from the following meeting of the Executive Committee:


28th July 2010


Matters requiring the Council’s consideration may include:


·        REDI Centre Options (to be considered earlier on the agenda);

·        Council Plan 2010 / 2013;

·        Redditch Borough Council’s Sheltered Housing Stock; and

·        Write Off Policy Update.


(Decision notice to follow)


Additional documents:


Members received the minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee held on 16th June 2010 and the decisions notice of the meeting held on 28th July 2010.




1)         the minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee held on 16th June 2010 be received and adopted; and


2)         the decision notice of the meeting of the Executive Committee held on 28th July 2010 be received and all recommendations approved, subject to:


in respect of Minute 46 (Review of Redditch Borough Council’s Sheltered Housing Stock further to Community Consultation) it being further RESOLVED that the decisions relating to that item be amended to read as set out below:


1)         the proposals detailed below be agreed in principle but that the matter be deferred to 8th September 2010 Executive Committee to enable residents’ feedback on the specific proposals to be sought;


2)         the preferred options, as determined by Members, from those detailed in Appendix 2 to the report to the Executive Committee, Section 6.1 (Option A) and 6.2 (Option A) be approved;


            Section 6.1 – Chiltern House (Option A)


·        That the current older persons’ accommodation is returned to general let and that officer’s should meet with residents to discuss a sensitive approach to allocations.


·        Any current tenants affected would be offered an appointment with a dedicated officer to discuss any concerns and all relevant options would be explored. 


·        If this option is approved Officers could give further consideration to converting the communal lounge into a disabled flat or into other rentable accommodation to increase revenue.


·        That further consideration be given to converting the bedsit which is currently used as an office for the Home Support Officer into rentable accommodation to increase revenue.


            Section 6.2 – Auxerre House (Option A)


·        Opportunity for first time buyers under the Homebuy Scheme.  HomeBuy enables social tenants, key workers and first time buyers to buy a share of a home and get a first step on the housing ladder.


3)         up to £166,150.00 capital funding be approved for the essential improvement works recommended in Appendix 4 to the report;


4)         up to £31,051.00 revenue funding be approved to fund the post of Older Persons’ Housing Liaison Officer as detailed in Appendix 16 to the report and paragraph 5.5 of the report;


5)         based on the findings of the Review of Redditch Borough Council’s Sheltered Housing, the categorisation of properties on page 11 in Appendix 2 to the report be adopted;


6)         Officers undertake a feasibility study to consider the findings and options in Appendix 2, Section 6.3 to the report and bring a further report back to Councillors within 12 months of this report;


7)         the above changes only be applied to new tenants from 1st April 2011 with all current residents keeping their tenancy, even if they do not meet the new criteria;


8)         the revised Action Plan in Appendix 3 be adopted;


9)         an additional member of staff be appointed for twelve months to facilitate the change management process (see Appendix  ...  view the full minutes text for item 31.


Regulatory Committees pdf icon PDF 104 KB

To formally receive the minutes of the following meetings of the Council’s Regulatory Committees:


Audit & Governance Committee     - 15th June 2010


                                                            - 29th June 2010


Licensing Committee                       - 19th July 2010


Planning Committee             - 22nd June 2010


                                                            - 20th July 2010


Standards Committee                      - 30th June 2010


(Minutes circulated in Minute Book 2 – 2010/11 – To follow)


Additional documents:


The Council received the minutes of recent meetings of the Audit and Governance, Licensing, Planning and Standards Committees. Officers undertook to highlight the amendments made to the Members’ Planning Code of Good Practice to the Association of Council Secretaries and Solicitors, the originators of the model Code.




1)         the minutes of the meetings of the Audit and Governance Committee held on 15th June and 29th June 2010 be received and adopted;


2)         the minutes of the meeting of the Licensing Committee held on 19th July 2010 be received and adopted and all recommendations approved;


3)         the minutes of the meetings of the Planning Committees on 22nd June and 20th July 2010 be received and adopted; and


4)         the minutes of the meeting of the Standards Committee held on 30th June 2010 be received and adopted and all recommendations approved.



Administrative Matter - Taxi Forum

To consider the establishment on a formal basis of the Council’s existing Taxi Forum, the means by which the authority consults and communicates with local private hire and hackney carriage vehicle licence holders, including the appointment of a Chair from amongst the members of the Council.



The Council considered a proposal to establish the existing Taxi Forum on a more formal basis and appoint a Chair from among its number.




Councillor Juliet Brunner be appointed Chair of the Taxi Forum, to serve until the next Annual Meeting of the Council.



Urgent Business - Record of Decisions

To note any decisions taken in accordance with Standing Order 36 and/or the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules (Constitution), as specified.


(None to date).


There were no Urgent Business decisions under Standing Order 36 for consideration at this meeting.



Urgent Business - general (if any)

To consider any additional items exceptionally agreed by the Mayor as Urgent Business in accordance with the powers vested in him by virtue of Section 100(B)(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972.


(This power should be exercised only in cases where there are genuinely special circumstances which require consideration of an item which has not previously been published on the Order of Business for the meeting and/or on the Leader’s Forward Plan.)


There were no separate items of Urgent Business for consideration at this meeting other than as included earlier in the minutes.