Committee details


Purpose of committee

The full Council comprises all of the twenty nine Councillors who are elected to the Council.  There are currently 16 Conservative Councillors, 12 Labour Councillors and 1 Liberal Democrat Councillor.  Meetings of the full Council are chaired by the Mayor of Redditch. 


The full Council is responsible for making and approving all policies, strategies and plans contained in the Council’s policy framework.  The full Council is also responsible for adopting the budget and for adopting and updating the Council’s constitution.  The full Council also appoints the Mayor, the Leader of the Council and Councillors to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and other Council Committees and Sub-Committees.


There are four types of full Council meeting:


·       the Annual Meeting (when the Mayor and other Council appointments are agreed);

·       ordinary meetings;

·       the Council-Tax setting meeting; and

·       extraordinary meetings.


Members of the public are welcome to attend meetings of the full Council.




Contact information

Support officer: Democratic Services.

Postal address:
Redditch Borough Council
Town Hall
Walter Stranz Square
B98 8AH

Phone: 01527 64252 (Extn. 3268)


Web site: