Agenda and minutes

Council - Monday, 25th June, 2007 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Ivor Westmore 

No. Item


Mayor's Welcome

The Mayor will open the meeting and welcome all present.


The Mayor’s Chaplain, Deacon Tony Martin, will lead the Council in prayer.


The Mayor opened the meeting, welcomed all present and invited his Chaplain, the Deacon Tony Martin to lead the Council in Prayer.




To receive any apologies for absence on behalf of Council members.


There were no apologies for absence. 



Declarations of Interest

To invite Councillors to declare any interests they may have in items on the agenda.


There were no declarations of interest.





To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on the


(Minutes circulated in Minute Book - 2009/10)




the minutes of the Annual  Meeting of the Council held on the 21st of May 2007 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Mayor.



Communications and Mayor's Announcements

To receive a report from the Mayor on civic matters which have arisen since the last meeting or events which may be occurring in the near future. 

To give notice of any variation to the items listed in the Forward Plan and/or items accepted as "Urgent Business".

(No separate report / oral update)


The Mayor’s communications and announcements were considered under the following headings:


a)         Bob Wilson

The Mayor advised Members of the very sad death of Bob Wilson, husband of former Mayor and Councillor Pat Wilson and father of former Councillor Sarah Sulley. Condolences had been sent to the family.


b)         Mayoral Engagements


The Mayor advised that, since the previous meeting of the Council, he had attended various functions, including: a very successful and enjoyable Twinning Visit to Auxerre; the Green Fair at St. Stephen’s Church; The Fire Station Open Day; the Licensing of a new Team Vicar; the Festival of Live Arts; the Cancer Research “Relay for Life”, the re-launch of the Salvation Army’s Charity Shop; the official opening of Poole Place underpass; the State of the Borough Conference; and the Wheels Presentation Event.


c)         Forthcoming engagements

The Mayor advised that forthcoming engagements included the opening of Redditch’s Travelodge Hotel; a concert by the Bel Canto singers; the opening of the Rainbow Club; the Local Heroes Award Ceremony at the Palace Theatre; and the Annual League of Friends of the Alex Summer Fete.


d)         Urgent Business


The Mayor advised that he had accepted one item of Urgent Business: the additional late question in relation to DinglesideSchool from Mr T Wareing.


The Mayor had also agreed to accept  the following late documents:


i)          the Decision Notice from the Executive Committee’s 13th of June 2007 meeting, which included recommendations that required decisions in order to meet deadlines;


ii)         Additional Papers 1 and 2; and


iii)        a number of Constitutional documents.     




Matters Arising - Council Appointments / Nominations etc.

To note and/or approve any required minor additions or amendments to the appointments approved at the Annual Council meeting, to include: -

WREC representatives should be Cllrs Shurmer & King ;
REDI Trust update; Grants Panel update.

(No separate report)



The agenda had included reference to a number of matters arising from the appointments and nominations made at the Council’s Annual Meeting.




1)         the Council’s representatives on the Worcestershire Race Equality Council be amended and now confirmed as Councillors Shurmer and R King;


2)         the legal advice that had been received stating that the nomination of Mr D Cartwright to the REDI Trust was acceptable be noted; and


3)     the following appointments to the Grants Assessment Panel be noted:


Councillors Hall (Chair), Anderson, Braley, Chance and Hill.



Leaders' Questions pdf icon PDF 64 KB

To consider the following Questions for the Leader which have been submitted in accordance with Standing Order 8A:

1.   “Planning & Development”
(Mr C T Wareing)

2.   “Budget Overspends”

     (Councillor J Brunner)

3.   “Council Funding”

     (Councillor C MacMillan)

 (Questions attached)

(Abbey / All Wards)


Additional documents:


The Leader responded to a number of questions which had been submitted in accordance with Standing Order 8A, namely: 


a)         Planning and Development

            (Mr C T Wareing)


Mr Wareing’s question related to a number of possible developments within the Borough and the need to provide an adequate associated infrastructure.


The Leader responded that a significant expansion of housing within the Borough which, he pointed out, had not been proposed by the Council, would certainly be a mistake without the necessary development of associated infrastructure.


The Council had offered to construct the Bordesley By-Pass in connection with the Abbey Stadium Development, demonstrating the Council’s responsible attitude to the provision of such infrastructure.


Sadly, it appeared that the Abbey Stadium development that had been proposed by Atlantic Beacon would not be coming to fruition and that, consequently, the Council’s fall-back scheme would be adopted.



b)         Budget Overspends

            (Councillor J Brunner)


Councillor Brunner’s question related to a contention that the Council had overspent on its 2006/07 budget and that this had been alleviated by a change in the treatment of Capital Charges.


The Leader replied that the Council did not overspend on its General Fund Budget for 2006/07. In fact the report of the Head of Financial Services to the Executive Committee on the 13th of June had clearly stated that the budget had been underspent by £487,000 of which only £1,000 had been from Capital Charges. The Leader believed this was a good result for the Council.


The same report had also highlighted that all four Directorates had made savings against their approved budget, albeit that, at a Cost Centre or Service level, there had been some variances. All of the variances had again been highlighted within the report.


In response to questions regarding the adequacy of the financial reporting and compliance with the Constitution, the Leader indicated that Councillors had already raised this issue with Officers and the Borough Director had been asked to expedite this review to ensure improvements were made where possible and to ensure that, whatever reporting arrangements were ultimately agreed, compliance with the Constitution was assured. Alternatively, where issues could not be addressed, proposals to amend the Constitution would be brought forward as a matter of urgency.


c)         Council Funding

            (Councillor C MacMillan)


Councillor MacMillan’s question related to the provision of a breakdown of the proportion of the Council’s funding spent on front line services and that spent on overheads and administration.


In response, the Leader indicated that the answer to this question clearly depended upon the interpretation of “overheads and administration”. For the purposes of his answer the Leader had assumed that it meant Central Support Costs such as Finance, Legal, and Human Resources costs, etc.


The Leader advised that , of the £48,500,000 Gross Expenditure referred to in the 2006/07 Statement of Accounts presented to Council that evening, the overhead and administration costs amounted to £4,300,000. This meant that the cost of the Direct Services amounted to £44,200,000 and therefore the overhead costs  ...  view the full minutes text for item 30.


Notice of Motion - Redditch Student Council pdf icon PDF 58 KB

To consider Notices of Motion submitted in accordance with Standing Order 6:


A.  Redditch Student Council.

     (Councillors Brunner and Clayton)

B.  CCTV in Crabbs Cross.

     (Councillors Field and Smith)


(Report attached)

(All Wards / Crabbs Cross Ward)


Notice of Motion had been submitted by Councillor J Brunner in relation to the lack of representation on the Student Council of students attending Special Schools in the town. The matter had been drawn to the attention of the Councillor by the Head Teachers of the two schools concerned.


Members agreed unanimously with the Motion and it was proposed that the Student Council be requested to consider a change to its Constitution to enable representation on that body by students of the two Special Schools within the town. It was further proposed that the necessary measures be put in place prior to the next elections to the Student Council in January 2008, should the Student Council be amenable to the request from Council.




the Motion be approved in the following terms:


"At the present time, Redditch Student Council does not have any representation from Students attending Special Schools in the Town.

Redditch Borough Council seeks to address this and would offer the opportunity for young people from our Special Schools to be included as a matter of urgency.

Redditch Borough Council actively encourages inclusion and will task Officers to work with Redditch Student Council enabling students from all schools to be represented.”




Notice of Motion - Extension of Closed Circuit Television Scheme


Notice of Motion had been submitted by Councillor J Field in relation to the level of Anti Social Behaviour in Crabbs Cross and the desire of local Members for the installation of CCTV as a matter of urgency to combat this. It was noted that a number of Section 30 Dispersal Orders had been in place in Crabbs Cross in recent months and a fourth Order was due to commence in July.


The Portfolio Holder for Community Safety acknowledged that problems were being experienced in Crabbs Cross, particularly at the weekends, and it was suggested that a positive and constructive approach should be adopted.

A partnership approach was proposed , referring the matter to the Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership Tasking Group, through which the appropriate agencies could co-ordinate a plan of action. Secondly, the Portfolio Holder proposed contacting the local Beat Officer and Police Community Support Officer. Finally it was suggested that the matter should be referred to the Community Safety Executive Panel. It was noted that this body might determine that one solution could be through the deployment of Mobile CCTV.

This overall approach received Members’ support.




the Motion be approved in the following terms:


Redditch Borough Council has extended CCTV across the town.


However Crabbs Cross does not currently benefit from this provision.


We believe that, with the level of Anti Social Behaviour in Crabbs Cross, CCTV should be installed as a matter of urgency to combat this.

We call on the Leader of the Council to bring forward the schedule for the extension of the CCTV programme so that this can be dealt with as soon as possible.”



Deputation - Redditch Alliance of Greens pdf icon PDF 70 KB

To receive a Deputation in accordance with Standing Orders 49 and 51.

The theme of the Deputation is the special showing of Al Gore's film about climate change “An Inconvenient Truth” at the Palace Theatre on Thursday 6th September 2007.

The Deputation comprises representatives of the Trade Justice Network, Redditch Vegetarians and Vegans and Friends of the Earth, all members of the Redditch Alliance of Greens.

(Report attached)



In accordance with Standing Order 51, the Council received a deputation from the Redditch Alliance of Greens, an association of representatives from Redditch Trade Justice Network, Redditch Vegetarians and Vegans and Redditch Friends of the Earth. 


Speaking for the Deputation, the Reverend Noel Sharp stated that the ostensible purpose of the Deputation was to invite Members to the screening of a film, “An Inconvenient Truth” at the Room Upstairs at the Palace Theatre on Thursday 6th September 2007.


Ms Diane Harrison, Mr Kevin White and Mr Alistair Waugh proceeded to expand on a number of aspects of the “Green agenda” which could be influenced by the Local Authority, making explicit reference to the Nottingham Declaration on Climate Change that had been formally signed by the Council in 2006.


The Mayor thanked the Deputation for their attendance.




Executive Committee pdf icon PDF 57 KB

A.  To receive the Minutes and consider the recommendations and/or referrals from the following meetings of the Executive Committee :

23rd May  2007

Matters of interest to the Council are:

·        Street Naming Policy – Update (Minute 5 refers)

·        Waste And Street Sweeping Tender – Proposed Joint District Councils’ Approach (Minute 10 refers – see also item 13(3) – Urgent Business under Standing Order 36 – below – Matter now resolved).

     (Minutes circulated in Minute Book 1 - 2007/08)

B.  To receive the Decision Notice and consider the recommendations and/or referrals from the following meetings of the Executive Committee :

13th June 2007

Matters of potential referral to the Council are:

·        The District of Stratford-on-Avon Local Development Framework – Core Strategy Issues and Options – Officers’ response

·        Smoke-Free Policy

·        Local Land Charges – Fees & Charges

·        Consolidated Out-turn 2006/07

·        Capital Programme 2006/07

·        Corporate Plan / Performance Plan
(see separate agenda item)

·        Regional Housing Board Capital Grant – Decent Homes in Private Sector occupied by vulnerable households

·        Playing Fields Improvements – Capital Works

·        Referrals / Advisory Panels Reports

·        Extension of Contract (Confidential item)

(Decision Notice to follow)

(Full minutes of the above meetings will be submitted to the next ordinary meeting of the Council on the 13th of August 2007, via Minute Book 2 2007/08.)


Any matters arising, not covered elsewhere in the agenda, will be considered under this heading.

Confidential matters may be taken after the Exclusion of the Public, subject to notification at this point in the meeting.

Additional documents:




1)         the Minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee of the 23rd of May 2007 be received and all recommendations approved; and


2)     the Executive Committee Decision Notice of the 13th of June 2007 be received and all recommendations approved, including, in respect of  

the agreement of revised fees and charges for Local Land Charges Services, as tabled on the update sheet circulated at the meeting and as detailed below:


(LLC1 + CON 29)




(= Land Charges Register only)




(= Supplementary Enquiries only)
(including Worcestershire County Council fees of £12.00)





PART II OPTIONAL ENQUIRIES EACH              [+ £6.00 if WCC Qu. ]



5.00   [*11.00]

ADDITIONAL ENQUIRIES EACH              [+ £6.00 if WCC Qu. ]



5.00 [*11.00]























Minutes of Regulatory Committees

To formally receive the minutes of the following meetings of the Council's Regulatory Committees:

Planning Committee

 - 22nd May 2007

(Minutes circulated in Minute Book 1 - 2007/08)



The Council received the Minutes of the most recent meeting of the Planning Committee.

In respect of the general operation of the Committee, Officers were requested to provide a response to Members outlining the measures that could be taken by the Council to enforce the incorporation of environmentally friendly measures in applications that come before the Planning Committee for determination.




the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on the 22nd of May 2007 be received and adopted.



The Corporate Plan and Performance Plan pdf icon PDF 57 KB

To consider the Council’s Corporate and Performance Plans (item deferred from the Executive Committee agenda of the 13th of June 2007).

(Report attached / Appendices to follow)


Additional documents:


The Council considered a report which detailed the Council’s Corporate and Performance Plans for the period 2007 to 2010.

The Corporate and Performance Plan was agreed in principle but a number of Members expressed concern that insufficient opportunity had been provided to consider the report in detail. In consequence, it was agreed that the Plan be forwarded on to another body of the Council following the meeting for further consideration.  Subject to these comments, it was




1)         the Corporate and Performance Plan be approved; and


2)         Group Leaders, in consultation with the Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, consider which body of the Council should review in detail the Corporate and Performance Plan in due course.



Statement of Accounts pdf icon PDF 75 KB

To approve the Statement of Accounts for the 2006/07 financial year.

(Report / Statement to follow)


Additional documents:


The Council considered the Statement of Accounts for 2006/07.

Members raised similar concerns in relation to this report as they had for the previous item.




1)         the 2006/07 Statement of Accounts be approved;


2)         a copy of the Statement be signed by the Mayor; and       


3)         Group Leaders, in consultation with the Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, consider which body of the Council should review in detail the Statement of Accounts in due course.




Authorisation of Officers

To seek the Council’s approval of the following authorisation:

 that John Wilcox, Revenues Officer, be authorised to take Council Tax and Business Rates cases to the Magistrates’ Court on behalf of the Council.”

(No separate report)





John Wilcox, Revenues Officer, be authorised to take Council Tax and Business Rate cases to the Magistrates’ Court on behalf of the Council.





Further to decisions taken at the Council’s meeting of the 23rd of April 2007, to endorse the Council’s current Constitution and associated documents (Standing Orders, Financial Regulations, Scheme of Delegation to Officers, Scheme of Members’ Allowances, Codes and Protocols etc.) as now revised.

(In view of their bulk, the revised Constitutional documents will be available in electronic copy and, on a limited basis only, as paper copies  - please request hard copies, if required.)





                                                     the Council’s current Constitution and associated documents (Standing Orders, Financial Regulations, Scheme of Delegation to Officers, Scheme of Members’ Allowances, Codes and Protocols etc.) as now issued be endorsed.


Urgent Business - Record of Decisions

To note the following decisions taken in accordance with SO36 and/or the Overview & Scrutiny Procedure Rules (Constitution), as specified : 


1)   EDMS (Electronic Document Management Service) - Anite           (Borough Director) (Decision Reference 464)

      The Council already had the Anite system in Housing Benefits and it was therefore considered to be  best value for money to contract with the same supplier for  the extension of the service into the Housing area.

In this case the exceptional urgency was that  the Capital costs for the purchase of this system were provided by Anite, and Anite were also offering a discount on the price of the licences if the order was guaranteed by the first week in May. 


       RESOLVED that

an Electronic Document Management System for Housing be purchased from the Council’s existing supplier, ANITE.


2)  Purchase of Refuse Vehicles

      (Director of Environment & Planning) (Decision 465)


The reason for urgency was to ensure that delivery of the vehicles could be achieved by September 2007, which would enable optimum operational  implementation of the Alternative Weekly Collection Scheme to be achieved.


the existing Vehicle Replacement Programme be varied to allow the orders for the Refuse Collection Vehicles to be placed, and a revised Vehicle replacement Programme showing the amendment be submitted to the next Capital Programme meeting of the Executive Committee.

(Full details of the resolution are contained in the
Decision Notice, attached to the Council agenda, in respect of item 7 above.)

3)   Wychavon Waste and Street Cleansing Tender
– Proposed Joint Approach
(Director of Environment & Planning) (Decision 466)





       Further to decisions of the Executive Committee on the 23rd of May 2007, approval equivalent to full Council ratification of a number of Executive recommendations was required.


In this case the reason for urgency was that the tender for this contract was returnable by the 20th of June 2007, too early to obtain a formal Council decision.


1)      the expansion of current policy inherent in this proposal be agreed as an ongoing policy of the Council;

2)      relevant elements of Standing Order 46 be waived to permit a suitably experienced consultant to be engaged in conjunction with the above partners to support the development and submission of a proposal; and

3)      authority be delegated to the Director of Environment and Planning, in consultation with the Head of Legal Services and the Portfolio Holder, to authorise the final submission.

(A full report on this proposal was circulated to all Members  in relation to the Agenda for the 23rd of May Executive Committee meeting.)

(No separate reports - further information available on request.)



Members noted two Urgent Business decision, which had been determined in accordance with Standing Order 36, namely:


EDMS (Electronic Document Management Service) – Anite
(UB Reference 464)


Purchase of Refuse Vehicles (UB Reference 465).




the matters be noted.



Urgent Business - general (if any)

To consider any additional items exceptionally agreed by the Mayor as Urgent Business in accordance with the powers vested in him by virtue of Section 100(B)(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972.

(This power can be exercised only in cases where there are genuinely special circumstances which require consideration of an item which has not previously been published on the Order of Business for the meeting and/or on the Leader's Forward Plan.)



There were no separate items of Urgent Business for consideration at this meeting.