Agenda and minutes

Planning - Monday, 3rd October, 2011 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber Town Hall

Contact: Jan Smyth 

No. Item



To receive apologies for absence and details of any Councillor nominated to attend the meeting in place of a member of the Committee.


Apologies for absence were received on behalf of Councillors Bill Hartnett, Roger Hill and Robin King.



Declarations of Interest

To invite Councillors to declare any interest they may have in the items on the Agenda.


Councillors Bill Hartnett and Roger Hill, in the public gallery, declared personal and prejudicial interests in relation to Planning Application 2011/227/FUL (Church Hill District Centre, Tanhouse Lane, Church Hill) as detailed separately at Minute 35 below.  Councillor Robin King, also in the public gallery, declared an interest as a Church Hill Ward member, also as detailed separately at Minute 35.


Planning Application 2011/227/FUL - Church Hill District Centre, Tanhouse Lane, Church Hill pdf icon PDF 363 KB

To consider a Planning Application for a mixed use development, including medical centre and retail building with car parking and landscaping, 51 dwellings, new high street and associated open space, to form a regenerated District Centre.


Applicant:      LSP Developments, Bellway Homes and Accord Housing Association


(Report and Site Plan attached)

Additional documents:


Mixed use development including medical centre and
retail building with car parking and landscaping,
51 dwellings, new high street and associated open space,
to form a regenerated district centre


Applicant:  LSP Developments, Bellway Homes

and Accord Housing Association


The following people addressed the Committee under the Council’s public speaking rules:


Mr H Croft            -     Objector

Miss A New         -     Objector on behalf of Year 4 –

                                    Abbeywood First School

Master B Lowe    -     Objector on behalf of Year 4 –

                                    Abbeywood First School

Cllr B Hartnett     -     Ward Councillor and objector

Cllr R King          -     Ward Councillor and objector on behalf of local residents

Mr E Sutton         -     Joint Applicant

Mr M Wright         -     Applicant’s Agent


During the debate, the Chair also exceptionally allowed Mr B Sharp (a Worcestershire County Council Highway Engineer present at the meeting), to respond to a number of Members’ questions in relation to highways matters.




having regard to the Development Plan and to all other material considerations, authority be delegated to the Head of Planning and Regeneration to GRANT planner permission subject to:


1)         the completion of a Section 106 Planning Obligation to ensure

            a)         the on-site open space is provided and maintained as such in perpetuity;

            b)        the 39 units are for the provision of social housing in perpetuity; and

            c)         a Bond is secured for Traffic Regulation Order measures such as weight restrictions and giving priority to oncoming vehicles on the new boulevard south of Church Hill Way and any other off-site junction improvements required; and


2)         the conditions and informatives as stated in the main report and as summarised below:


            1)         Time limit for commencement of development – three years from decision date;

            2)         Materials to be agreed prior to commencement of development (by phase);

            3)         Surfacing materials to be agreed prior to commencement of development;

            4)         All hard surfacing to be permeable or sustainably drained – where not permeable, drainage details to be supplied and agreed prior to their implementation;

5)         Planting and replacement details to be agreed;

6)         Gated rear garden accesses - details to be agreed in order to ensure that they are secure;

7)         Shop windows to remain transparent to allow for passive surveillance and security;

8)         Shop shutters to be internal only, if necessary;

9)         Implement tree protection prior to and throughout construction phase;

10)      Contaminated land to be dealt with appropriately, if found;

11)      To be built to sustainability standards as detailed in the submission (CSH3/BREEAM);

12)      removal of Permitted Development Rights from residential properties to prevent over development of gardens;

13)      Details of ventilation and extraction leading to flues shown on plans;

14)      Approved plans specified;

15)      Flat roof materials and details to be submitted and agreed (to prevent public access);

16)      Fencing details to be submitted and agreed;

17)      Street furniture details to be submitted and agreed; and

18)      Allotment access gate details to be submitted and agreed.




      1)         Reason for approval

2)         Advertisement consent application(s) will be required prior to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 35.