Agenda and minutes

Planning - Wednesday, 20th June, 2012 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Jan Smyth 

No. Item



To receive apologies for absence and details of any Councillor nominated to attend the meeting in place of a member of the Committee.


Apologies for absence were received on behalf of Councillors Brandon Clayton and Brenda Quinney.



Declarations of Interest

To invite Councillors to declare any interest they may have in the items on the Agenda.


There were no declarations of personal or prejudicial interest, although Councillor Andy Fry informed the meeting of minor ‘interests’ in relation to Planning Application 2012/107/COU (Former Astwood Bank Post Office, 1248 Evesham Road, Astwood Bank), as detailed separately at Minute 5 below, Planning Application 2012/110/COU (Continental Club, 118 Oakly Road, Redditch), as detailed separately at Minute 6 below and Planning Application 2012/118/COU (66-70 Unicorn Hill, Redditch), as detailed separately at Minute 7 below.



Confirmation of Minutes pdf icon PDF 142 KB

To confirm, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 25th April 2012.


(Minutes attached)




the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 25th April 2012 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.



Planning Application 2012/076/FUL - 1129 Evesham Road, Astwood Bank pdf icon PDF 93 KB

To consider a Planning Application for the creation of a single storey extension between house and detached garage to the front of the property.


Applicant:      Mr D Campbell


(Report attached – Site Plan under separate cover)


Additional documents:


Creation of a single storey extension

between house and detached garage

to the front of the property




having regard to the Development Plan and to all other material considerations, planning permission be GRANTED subject to the conditions and informatives summarised in the report.



Planning Application 2012/107/COU - Former Astwood Bank Post Office, 1248 Evesham Road, Astwood Bank pdf icon PDF 97 KB

To consider a Planning Application for a change of use from Post Office (Class A1) to restaurant / café / hot food takeaway (Class A3/A5).


Applicant:      Mr A Goldrick


(Report attached – Site Plan under separate cover)


Additional documents:


Change of use from Post Office (Class A1)

to restaurant/café/hot food takeaway (Class A3 / A5)


Applicant: Mr A Goldrick


Mr A Goldrick, the Applicant, addressed the Committee under the Council’s public speaking rules.




having regard to the Development Plan and to all other material considerations, Planning Permission be REFUSED, for the following reason:


The proposed A3/A5 use including the potential loss of a preferred A1 use would materially impact upon, and undermine the retail and community function of the Astwood Bank District Centre, to the detriment of its vitality and viability.  As such, the proposed development would be contrary to the aims and objectives of Policy E(TCR).9 and Policy E(TCR).12 of the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.3, and Policy 20 of the Preferred Draft Core Strategy.


(Councillor Andy Fry informed the meeting that he was familiar with the applicant’s family as they had been constituents of his for a number of years, but it was clarified that this did not constitute a personal interest.)



Planning Application 2012/110/COU - Continental Club, 118 Oakly Road, Redditch pdf icon PDF 89 KB

To consider a Planning Application for a change of use from Private Members Club to drinking establishment (Use Class A4).


Applicant:      Mr B Cioch


(Report attached – Site Plan under separate cover)

Additional documents:


Change of use of Private Members’ Club

to drinking establishment (Use Class A4)


Applicant: Mr B Cioch


Mr K Greda and Ms E Siwak, supporters, addressed the Committee under the Council’s public speaking rules.




having regard to the Development Plan and to all other material considerations, Planning Permission be REFUSED, for the following reason:


The proposed development would not be compatible with this primarily residential area in that it is likely to result in an increased intensification of use leading to the severe detriment of existing residential amenity and to the character of this residential area.  As such, the development would be contrary to Policy E(TCR).12 of the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.3.


(Councillor Andy Fry informed the meeting that a relative of his wife patronised the Continental Club, but it was clarified that this did not constitute a personal interest.


The Chair requested that Council Officers speak to the applicant following the meeting in connection with this application, and a licensing application which was also ongoing, to ascertain what the applicant was attempting to achieve in respect of both planning and licensing processes and what permissions, if any, might be required.)



Planning Application 2012/118/COU - 66 - 70 Unicorn Hill, Redditch pdf icon PDF 77 KB

To consider a Planning Application for a change of use of part 1st floor storage area to seating area to serve restaurant (Shahi Palace).


Applicant:      Mr A Miah


(Report attached – Site Plan under separate cover)

Additional documents:


Change of use of part 1st floor storage area

to seating area to serve restaurant (Shahi Palace)


Applicant: Mr A Miah




having regard to the development plan and to all other material consideration, planning permission be GRANTED, subject to the conditions and informatives summarised in the report.


(Councillor Andy Fry informed the meeting that he had patronised the Shahi Palace restaurant, but it was clarified that this did not constitute a personal interest.)



Planning Application 2012/121/FUL - 25 Underwood Close, Callow Hill pdf icon PDF 69 KB

To consider a Planning Application for a first floor extension over existing dining room.


Applicant:      Mr D Morgan


(Report attached – Site Plan under separate cover)


Additional documents:


First floor extension over existing dining room


Applicant: Mr D Morgan




having regard to the development plan and to all other material considerations, planning permission be GRANTED subject to the conditions and informatives as summarised in the report.



Planning Committee Procedure Rules - Municipal Year 2012/13 pdf icon PDF 79 KB

To seek the Committee’s agreement to an amendment to the Planning Committee’s Procedure Rules, agreed by Council at its Annual Meeting on the 21st May 2012, to enable the Leader of the Council to sit on the Planning Committee or act as a substitute on the Planning Committee. 


(Oral report – copy of 2012/13 Planning Committee Procedure Rules attached)


Members received the Planning Committee Procedure Rules, as submitted to and agreed by the meeting of the Council on 21st May 2012, for their information.




the Planning Committee Procedure Rules be noted.