Agenda and minutes

Planning - Wednesday, 23rd October, 2013 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Jan Smyth 

No. Item



To receive apologies for absence and details of any Councillor nominated to attend the meeting in place of a member of the Committee.


An apology for absence was received on behalf of Councillor Wanda King.



Declarations of Interest

To invite Councillors to declare any interest they may have in the items on the Agenda.


Councillor Alan Mason declared an Other Disclosable Interest in Item 4 - Planning Application 2013/143/COU  (272 Evesham Road, Headless Cross), as detailed in Minute 52 below.


Mr Amar Hussain (Legal Services advisor to the Committee) reported on a matter relating to Item 7 (Planning Application 2013/195/FUL – 34 Hither Green Lane, Redditch), as detailed in Minute 55 below.




Confirmation of Minutes pdf icon PDF 257 KB

To confirm, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 25th September 2013.


(Minutes attached)




the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 25th September 2013 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.



Planning Application 2013/143/COU - 272 Evesham Road, Redditch pdf icon PDF 100 KB

To consider a Planning Application for a Change of Use to provide additional surgery space at first floor and ancillary office/storage.


Applicant:  Kingfisher Dental Practice


(Report attached, Site Plan under separate cover)


Additional documents:


Change of use to provide additional surgery space at first floor

and ancillary office / storage space.


Applicant:  Kingfisher Dental Practice


The following people addressed the Committee under the Council’s public speaking rules:


Mr S. Vick – objector

Mr B Gandy – objector

Mrs E Mitchell – Applicant’s Agent.




having regard to the Development Plan and to all other material considerations, Planning Permission be REFUSED for the following reason:


“The proposed increase in the number of surgeries/treatment rooms from 3 to 5 would result in a consequential requirement for additional car parking to be provided at the site. The failure to achieve an adequate level and standard of car parking to serve the proposed development would result in the displacement of vehicle parking within the adjoining public highway which would be detrimental to highway safety and nearby residential amenities being contrary to Policies B(BE).13 and C(T).12 of the adopted Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 3 and the provisions of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) “


(Having considered the report, speaker representations and Update report relating to further public representations received and a proposed additional condition, provided for Members and the public gallery prior to the meeting commencing, Members expressed concerns in regard to the proposal not meeting the Council’s required parking standards and further considered that the increase would be detrimental to the amenity of local residents and traffic flows along a very busy road.


In view of these issues, the Committee refused the Application for the reason stated in the resolution above.)


(Prior to consideration of this Item, Councillor Alan Mason declared an other disclosable interest in view of the fact that he was a registered patient of the Kingfisher Dental Practice, the Applicant.  Councillor Mason withdrew from the meeting and took no part in its consideration or voting thereon.)



Planning Application 2013/170/FUL - 6 Mount Pleasant, Redditch, Worcestershire B97 4JB pdf icon PDF 40 KB

To consider a Planning Application for a proposed change of use of ground floor from Class A2 (Financial and Professional Services use) to A5 Hot Food Takeaway, including installation of external kitchen extract flue.


Applicant:  Mr S Khan


(Report attached, Site Plan under separate cover)


Additional documents:


Change of Use of ground floor from

Class A1 Retail to A5 Hot Food Takeaway


Applicant:  Mr S Khan


Ms H Gibbs, objector and Mr Farooqui, on behalf of the Applicant, addressed the Committee under the Council’s public speaking rules.




having regard to the Development Plan and to all other material considerations, Planning Permission be GRANTED, subject to the conditions and Informatives summarised in the report.



Planning Application 2013/173/FUL - Unit 12 Winyates Shopping Centre, Redditch, Worcestershire B98 ONR pdf icon PDF 35 KB

To consider a Planning Application for a change of use from shop unit (A1) to a community facility to provide training / workshops with ancillary office


Applicant:  Ms Liz Williams


(Report attached, Site Plan under separate cover)


Additional documents:


Change of use from shop unit (A1) to a community facility

 to provide training / workshops with ancillary office.


Applicant:  Ms Liz Williams




having regard to the Development Plan and to all other material considerations, Planning Permission be GRANTED, subject to the conditions and informative summarised in the main report.


(The Committee noted an Update Report which detailed various additional Consultee responses received subsequent to the agenda being published.)


(During the course of the discussion, the Committee was informed that the unit appeared to have been fitted out and was already being used for the proposed purpose without the benefit of planning permission.  Officers were requested to liaise with other relevant services of the Council and advise them of the procedures for Planning Applications.)



Planning Application 2013/195/FUL - 34 Hither Green Lane, Redditch, Worcestershire B98 9BW pdf icon PDF 23 KB

To consider a Planning Application for a proposed balcony, proposed conversion of garage into bedroom and amendment to Planning Permission 2010/121.


Applicant:  Dr S Ananthram


(Report attached, Site Plan under separate cover)



Additional documents:


Proposed balcony, proposed conversion of garage into

bedroom and amendment to Planning Permission 2010/121


Applicant:  Dr Ananthram




having regard to the Development Plan and to all other material considerations, Planning Permission be GRANTED, subject to the Conditions summarised in the report.


(Prior to consideration of this matter, and for the purpose of clarity only, Mr Amar Hussain (Legal Services advisor to the Committee), notified Members that he was a patient of Dr Ananthram, the Applicant.)   



Planning Application 2013/242/S73 - Unit 9 Matchborough Centre, Matchborough Way, Redditch pdf icon PDF 145 KB

To consider a Section 73 Application for the removal of Condition 2 of Planning Approval 2010/244/COU to allow wholly A5 (hot food takeaway) consent and to allow all types of hot food to be sold on the site for consumption off the premises.


Applicant:  Mr F Dadash


(Report attached, Site Plan under separate cover)


Additional documents:


Section 73 Application:  removal of Condition 2 of

Planning Approval 2010/244/COU to allow

wholly A5 (hot food takeaway) consent and to allow

all types of hot food to be sold on the site for

consumption off the premises 


Applicant:  Mr F Dadash


Mr T Ellinas, objector and Mr W Vincent, Agent for the Applicant, addressed the Committee under the Council’s public speaking rules.




having regard to the Development Plan and to all other material considerations, authority be delegated to the Head of Planning and Regeneration Services to REFUSE Planning Permission, following the expiry of the consultation period on 31st October 2013 for the reason stated in the main report.


(The Committee noted an Update on the matter, provided for Members and the public gallery prior to the meeting,  in regard to further additional public representations received and Officer responses.)