Agenda and minutes

Planning - Wednesday, 14th December, 2016 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber Town Hall

Contact: Jan Smyth  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item



To receive apologies for absence and details of any Councillor nominated to attend the meeting in place of a member of the Committee.


Apologies were received on behalf of Councillors Matthew Dormer and Nina Wood-Ford.  Councillor Tom Baker-Price and Councillor Mark Shurmer were confirmed as Councillor Dormer and Councillor Wood-Ford’s substitutes respectively for the meeting.



Declarations of Interest

To invite Councillors to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or Other Disclosable Interests they may have in items on the agenda, and to confirm the nature of those interests.



Councillor Mark Shurmer declared an Other Disclosable Interest in Agenda Item 6 (Application 2016/238/FUL – Bus Depot, Plymouth Road, Southcrest, Redditch B97 4PA as detailed in Minute 51 below.


Confirmation of Minutes pdf icon PDF 241 KB

To confirm, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 9th November 2016.  


(Minutes attached)




the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 9th November 2016 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.



Update Reports pdf icon PDF 75 KB

To note Update Reports (if any) for the Planning Applications to be considered at the meeting (circulated prior to the commencement of the meeting)



The published update reports for the various Planning Applications were noted.



Application 2016/222/FUL - Former Holdex Brakes Factory Car Park, Moons Moat Drive, Church Hill, Redditch pdf icon PDF 145 KB

To consider a Planning Application for the erection of 1,943 sq.m. of business units for flexible B1c, B2 and B8 uses, together with 242 sq.m. for use as hot and cold food takeaway outlets (within Classes A1/A5, together with associated access, drainage works and landscaping.


Applicant:  A & H Construction Plc


(Report attached / Site Plan under separate cover)


Additional documents:


Erection of 1,943 sq.m. business units for flexible  B1c, B2 and B8 uses, together with 242 sq.m. for use as hot and cold food takeaway outlets (within Classes A1/A5), together with associated access, drainage works and landscaping


Applicant:  A & H Construction Plc


Miss Maria Sheriden, Agent for the Applicant, addressed the Committee under the Council’s public speaking rules.




having regard to the Development Plan and to all other material considerations, authority be delegated to the Head of Planning and Regenerations Services to GRANT Planning Permission, subject to:


1)    the satisfactory completion of a Planning Obligation (unilateral Undertaking) to provide a financial contribution to Worcestershire County Council for localised improvements to the cycle and walking network;


2)    the Conditions and Informatives set out on pages 20 to 24 of the main agenda report; and


3)    the following additional informative


“3)          The Applicant is encouraged to minimise littering through the submission of a comprehensive litter management plan involving collaborative working between the occupiers of Units K and L in the interests of the environment and the visual amenities of the area.”


(In considering the proposals Members requested an additional Informative to ensure that occupiers had arrangements in place for potential litter.)



Application 2016/238/FUL - Bus Depot, Plymouth Road, Southcrest, Redditch B97 4PA pdf icon PDF 33 KB

To consider a Planning Application for a proposed additional bay to existing workshop, including re-organisation of site, acoustic fence and additional wash facility with cover.


Applicant: Mr Simon Dunn


(Report attached / Site Plan under separate cover)


Additional documents:


Proposed additional bay to existing workshop


Applicant:  Mr Simon Dunn


Mr Ian Ray, the Applicant’s Agent, addressed the Committee under the Council’s public speaking rules.




having regard to the Development Plan and to all other material considerations, Planning Permission be GRANTED, subject to the Conditions and Informatives set out on pages 27 to 30 of the main agenda report but with Condition 9 amended to read as follows:


9)         The Bus Wash shall not be operational between the hours of 23.00 hrs and 07.00 hrs on any given day without the prior written consent of the Local Planning Authority.


            Reason:  To ensure to safeguard the visual amenities of the area and in accordance with Policy B(BE).13 of the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 3.


(Officers reported on further representations received from Regulatory Services, a nearby neighbour and the Applicant’s Agent, together with Officer responses and a proposed amendment to Condition 9 in relation to the bus wash operational hours, all as detailed in the published Update Report, copies of which were provided to Committee Members and the public gallery prior to commencement of the meeting.)


(Prior to consideration of this matter, Councillor Mark Shurmer had declared an Other Disclosable Interest in that his Partner’s residence backed onto the proposed development.  Councillor Shurmer withdrew from the meeting during consideration of the item and took no part in the discussion nor voting on the matter.)



Application 2016/248/FUL - Land at Enfield Industrial Estate, Hewell Road, Enfield, Redditch pdf icon PDF 106 KB

To consider a Planning Application for a proposed development of twelve business units (Class B1, B2 and B8 uses).


Applicant:  Mr D Ellis


(Report attached / Site Plan under separate cover)


Additional documents:


Proposed development of twelve business units (Class Uses B1, B2 and B8)


Applicant:  Mr D Ellis




having regard to the Development Plan and to all other material considerations, Planning Permission be GRANTED, subject to the Conditions and Informatives set out on pages 46 to 51 of the main agenda report, but with Condition 7 being amended to read as follows:


7)         Prior to the commencement of development, full details shall be submitted to and be approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority of a design that utilises the ‘Redditch’ cast iron columns that originated from the site to be used for signage / lamppost / public art purposes.  The approved details shall be implemented on site before the development is first brought into use, or a date to be agreed between the Applicant and Local Planning Authority.  The resultant feature / features shall be retained on site in perpetuity.


            Reason:  In the interests of the visual amenity of the area and in accordance with Policy B(BE).20 of the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 3


(In considering the Application, the Committee welcomed the Applicant’s proposals to maintain the historic link with the Enfield Manufacturing Company through retention and re-use of a number of features on the site.  In order to ensure that these features of historic interest were retained in perpetuity, Members agreed that Condition 7 be amended to reflect this.)



Application 2016/275/FUL - Land adjacent to Rookery Cottage, Droitwich Road, Feckenham, Worcestershire pdf icon PDF 100 KB

To consider a Planning Application for a new agricultural vehicular access and track.


Applicant:  Mr and Mrs Neil Hodgkins


(Report attached / Site Plan under separate cover)


Additional documents:


New agricultural vehicular access and track


Applicant:  Mr and Mrs Neil Hodgkins




having regard to the Development Plan and to all other material considerations, Planning Permission be GRANTED, subject to the Conditions and Informatives set out on pages 57 to 59 of the main agenda report.


Application 2016/282/FUL - Land adjacent to 84 Oakly Road, Southcrest, Redditch B97 4EE pdf icon PDF 150 KB

To consider a Planning Application for the construction of 6 one bedroom apartments.


Applicant:  Mr Patrick Durkan


(Report attached / Site Plan under separate cover)


Additional documents:


Construction of 6 one bedroom apartments


Applicant:  Mr Patrick Durkan


Mr  Asim Nazir, objector, and Mr Gary Phillips, the Applicant’s Agent, addressed the Committee under the Council’s public speaking rules.




having regard to the Development Plan and to all other material considerations, authority be delegated to the Head of Planning and Regeneration Services to GRANT Planning Permission, subject to:


1)    the satisfactory completion of a Section 106 Planning Obligation ensuring that:


a.    contributions are paid to the Borough Council in respect to off-site open space, and playing pitches in accordance with the Council’s adopted SPD;


b.    contributions are paid to the Borough Council towards the provision of wheelie bins for the new development; and


2)    the Conditions and Informatives as set out on pages 63 to 65 of the main agenda report.   


Application 2016/294/FUL - 1105 Evesham Road, Astwood Bank, Redditch B96 6EB pdf icon PDF 33 KB

To consider a Planning Application for a single storey rear extension, two storey side extension with attached double garage to side and front of property.


Applicant:  Mr and Mrs Colin Taylor


(Report attached / Site Plan under separate cover)


Additional documents:


Single storey rear extension, two storey side extension with attached double garage to side and front of property


Applicant:  Mr and Mrs Colin Taylor


Mrs Sandra Taylor, the Applicant, addressed the Committee under the Council’s public speaking rules.




having regard to the Development Plan and to all other material considerations, Planning Permission be GRANTED, subject to the Conditions and informatives set out on page 69 of the main agenda report.



Application 2016/317/FUL - 37 Unicorn Hill, Town Centre, Redditch B97 4QR pdf icon PDF 30 KB

To consider a Planning Application for a chance of use of the first floor from a taxi office (Sui Generis) to a hot food takeaway (Class A5) and the amalgamation with the ground floor takeaway, installation of extraction / ventilation equipment in association with the takeaway.


Applicant:  Hotcha Ltd


(Report attached / Site Plan under separate cover)


Additional documents:


Change of use of the first floor from a Taxi Office  (Sui Generis) to a use ancillary to the ground floor hot food takeaway (Class A5, installation of extraction/ventilation equipment in association with the takeaway


Applicant:  Hotcha Ltd




having regard to the Development Plan and to all other material considerations, Planning Permission be GRANTED, subject to the conditions set out on pages 74 to 75 of the main agenda report.



Application 2016/320/FUL - Victoria House, 10 - 12 Feckenham Road, Astwood Bank, Redditch B96 6DS pdf icon PDF 43 KB

To consider a retrospective Planning Application for a change of use from Class A1 (Shops) and Class B1(a) Offices to Class 3 (Dwelling houses) use, including a rear extension and alterations to form 4 no. self-contained flats.


Applicant: Mr David Broadbent


(Report attached / Site Plan under separate cover)


Additional documents:


Retrospective change of use from Class A1 (Shops) and Class B1(a) Offices to Class C3 (Dwelling houses) use including a rear extension and alterations to form 4 no. self-contained flats.  Minor elevational changes to approved Planning Application 2015/261/FUL.


Applicant:  Mr David Broadbent


Mr Mohammed Farooqui, objector, addressed the Committee under the Council’s public speaking rules.




having regard to the Development Plan and to all other material considerations, Planning Permission be GRANTED, subject to the Conditions set out on page 81 of the main agenda report but with Condition 2 amended to read as follows:


2)         the car park layout shall be marked out in accordance with drawing no. 1363.1D by the 10th February 2017 and thereafter maintained as such.


           Reason:  in the interests of highway safety and to ensure efficient parking in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework.


(Officers provided an update in relation to a proposed amendment to Condition 2, as detailed in the published Update report, copies of which were provided to Members and the public gallery prior to commencement of the meeting.   Members also noted an oral update on a further representation that had been received in relation to a boundary issue that Officers advised was not a planning matter.)