Agenda and minutes

Planning - Tuesday, 3rd February, 2009 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Jan Smyth 

No. Item



To receive apologies for absence and details of any Councillor nominated to attend the meeting in place of a member of the Committee.


An apology for absence was received on behalf of Councillor Boyd-Carpenter.



Declarations of Interest

To invite Councillors to declare any interest they may have in the items on the Agenda.


There were no declarations of interest.



Applications for planning permission pdf icon PDF 110 KB

To consider two applications for planning permission.

(Items below refer.)

(Covering Report attached)



The Committee considered and determined two Planning Applications as detailed in the subsequent minutes below. The applications were initially introduced and dealt with together. When, during the debate, issues emerged which triggered a divergence of views in respect of the retention of the temporary building, the two applications were dealt with separately.


Officers tabled an update report detailing any late responses to consultation, changed recommendations, further conditions and any additional Officer comments in relation to each application.  This report was further updated orally at the meeting as appropriate to each application.


Public speaking was permitted, in accordance with the Council’s agreed procedures, in relation to both of the applications being considered.




Planning Application 2008/345/FUL - Feckenham C of E First School, School Lane, Feckenham pdf icon PDF 128 KB

To consider a Planning Application for the re-siting of existing temporary classrooms and formation of new car park and access points.


Applicant:  Governors of Feckenham C of E First School.


(Report attached)

Additional documents:


Re-siting of existing temporary classrooms and
formation of new car park and access points

Applicant:  Governors of Feckenham C of E First School


Mrs B Hartigan (Head Teacher and supporter) addressed the Committee under the Council’s public speaking rules.




having regard to the Development Plan and to all other material considerations, Planning Permission be GRANTED, subject to the conditions and informatives detailed in the report.



Planning Application 2008/395/FUL - Feckenham C of E First School, School Lane, Feckenham pdf icon PDF 125 KB

To consider a Planning Application for extensions to existing school and highway alterations to form new footpath.


Applicant:  Governors of Feckenham C of E First School.


(Report attached)

Additional documents:


Extensions to existing school and
highway alterations to form new footpath

Applicant:  Governors of Feckenham C of E First School


Mrs B Hartigan (Head Teacher and supporter) addressed the Committee under the Council’s public speaking rules.




having regard to the Development Plan and to all other material considerations, Planning Permission be GRANTED, subject to the conditions detailed in the report and the following additional informatives:


“1.       No disturbance of, or change to, the surface of the path or part thereof should be carried out without similar written consent (this includes laying concrete, tarmac or similar).


  2.       There should be no diminution in the width of the right of way available for use by the public.


  3.       Building materials must not be stored on the right of way.


  4.       Vehicle movements and parking should be arranged so as not to unreasonably interfere with the public’s use of the right of way.


  5.       No additional barriers should be placed across the right of way.


  6.       The safety of the public using the right of way should be ensured at all times.




Information Reports pdf icon PDF 187 KB

To receive various items of information in relation to outcomes of appeals against planning decisions and Enforcement activities.


(Report attached)


The Committee received a number of items of information in relation to the outcomes of appeals against earlier Planning decisions, together with statistics relating to enforcement activity during the previous six months.




the various items of information be noted.    




Enforcement of planning control pdf icon PDF 111 KB

To determine the appropriate course of action to be taken in respect of an enforcement matter.

(Covering Report attached)


The Committee considered a request for authority to be delegated to Officers to deal with an escalating problem of unauthorised advertisements being displayed throughout the Borough, as detailed in the subsequent minute below. 


Enforcement Report pdf icon PDF 114 KB

To consider a breach of Planning Control in respect of unauthorised Highway banner advertisements at various locations throughout the Borough.


(Report attached)



The Display of Unauthorised Highway Advertisements

The Committee noted the need for Officers to be able to deal quickly and effectively with the ongoing and growing number of unauthorised advertisements being put up in the Borough.

This proposal was generally supported and Members noted the various fines that could be imposed if prosecutions were successful.

The description of ‘banner advertisements’ was broadened, to ‘advertisement paraphernalia’ to take account of a wider range of potential styles of advertisement. Members also noted that the nature of this proposal required the authority of the full Council.




1)         authority be delegated to the Head of Legal Services, in consultation with the Acting Head of Planning and Building Control, to take enforcement action, including the instigation of legal proceedings if necessary, in respect of  breaches of Planning Control, namely the display of any advertisement paraphernalia, without the express consent of the Local Planning Authority; and


2)         such action comprise the instigation of Prosecution proceedings if deemed necessary.