Agenda and minutes

Planning - Tuesday, 12th October, 2010 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Jan Smyth 

No. Item



To receive apologies for absence and details of any Councillor nominated to attend the meeting in place of a member of the Committee.


Apologies for absence were received on behalf of Councillors K Banks and N Hicks.



Declarations of Interest

To invite Councillors to declare any interest they may have in the items on the Agenda.


Councillor Chalk declared personal but not prejudicial interests in relation to Planning Applications 2010/166/FUL (Land at former Mayfields Works, The Mayfields) and 2010/194/OUT (Upper Norgrove House, Church Road, Webheath), as detailed separately at Minutes 41 and 42 respectively, below.


Councillor Hall declared a personal but not prejudicial interest in relation to Planning Application 2010/166/FUL (Land at former Mayfields Works, The Mayfields) as detailed separately at Minute 41 below.


Councillor B Clayton declared a personal but not prejudicial interest in relation to Planning Application 2010/213/FUL and Listed Building Consent Application 2010/214/LBC (The Cedars Nursing Home, Cedar Park Road, Batchley) as detailed separately at Minute 44 below.


Confirmation of Minutes

To confirm, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 14th September 2010.


(Minutes to follow)





the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 14th September 2010 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.



Planning Application 2010/166/FUL - Land at former Mayfields Works, The Mayfields

To consider a Planning Application for a residential development of 23 apartments and associated landscaping.


Applicant:  Mr A Coupe


(Report and Site Plan to follow)


Unfortunately the Council is currently experiencing problems with its IT systems and is not able to publish the report and plan for this matter in the usual manner at the moment.  A copy of the report and plan can, however, be accessed via the following links:

(Application report)

(Site Plan)






Residential development of 23 apartments

and associated landscaping

Applicant:  Mr A Coupe


Mr J Stanley, objector and Mr R Ranford, the Applicant’s Agent, addressed the Committee under the Council’s public speaking rules.




having regard to the Development Plan and to all other material considerations, Planning Permission be REFUSED for the following reasons:


1)         the shortfall in parking provision relative to the maximum standard is considered to be so significant that it would be likely to result in the displacement of parking onto surrounding highways where this is an existing on-street parking problem.  Therefore, it would be likely to result in a danger to highway safety by exacerbating the existing problem, and would be contrary to Policy CT12 of the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.3 and PPG13; and


2)         the lack of provision of affordable housing proposed, despite the supporting information regarding viability, is not considered to be acceptable in this case and would be likely to cause a detrimental impact on the supply of housing of this type in the future, contrary to Policies CS6, CS5 and B(HSG)5 of the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.3 and to the adopted SPG document Affordable housing Provision.


(This decision was taken contrary to Officers’ recommendation for the reasons stated above.)


(Prior to consideration of this item, and in accordance with the requirements of Section 81 of the Local Government Act 2000, Councillor Chalk declared a personal but not prejudicial interest as he was acquainted with one of the public speakers, namely, Mr J Stanley. 


During consideration of this item, Councillor Hall declared a personal but not prejudicial interest as he also was personally acquainted with Mr J Stanley.)



Planning Application 2010/194/OUT - Upper Norgrove House, Church Road, Webheath

To consider an Outline Planning Application for residential development.


Applicant:  Redditch Borough Council


(Report and Site Plan to follow)


Unfortunately the Council is currently experiencing problems with its IT systems and is not able to publish the report and plan for this matter in the usual manner at the moment.  A copy of the report and plan can, however, be accessed via the following links:   (Application Report)                      (Site Plan)




Outline Planning Application for residential development

Applicant:  Redditch Borough Council


The following people addressed the Committee under the Council’s public speaking rules:


Mr D Rose – Objector

Mr M Philpotts – Objector

Mr A Wharby – Objector

Mrs Clulow – Objector

Ms V Kendrick – on behalf of CPRE

Mr B Sinclair – Objector

Mr A Bedford-Smith – Objector

County Councillor D Thain - Objector

Mr McQuaid – Objector

Mr M Williams – Agent for the Applicant




having regard to the Development Plan and to all other material considerations, Outline Planning Permission be REFUSED for the following reason:


“The application site forms part of a larger area of land reserved for future development beyond 2011, where decisions on its development before then must have regard for the countryside policies.  It is therefore considered that it would be contrary to Policies B(RA)3 and B(RA)2 to allow this development on this site at this time.”


(This decision was taken contrary to Officers’ recommendation for the reason provided above.)


(During consideration of this item, and in accordance with the requirements of Section 81 of the Local Government Act 2000, Councillor Chalk declared a personal but not prejudicial interest as he was acquainted with one of the public speakers, namely, Mr A Bedford-Smith.)



Planning Application 2010/207/FUL - Former Metal Pressings, Studley Road, Lodge Park

To consider a Planning Application for the retention of existing office block, demolition of existing low level warehousing and construction of a new warehouse with associated HGV parking area.


Applicant:  Langdon Industries Ltd


(Report and Site Plan to follow)


Unfortunately the Council is currently experiencing problems with its IT systems and is not able to publish the report and plan for this matter in the usual manner at the moment.  A copy of the report and plan can, however, be accessed via the following links:   (Application Report)     (Site Plan)





Retention of existing office block,

demolition of existing low level warehousing and

construction of new warehouse with

associated HGV parking area

Applicant:  Langdon Industries Ltd




having regard to the Development Plan and to all other material considerations, Planning Permission be GRANTED, subject to the conditions and informatives summarised in the main report but subject to Condition 3 being amended to read:


“3.       Landscaping to be enhanced within the boundary of the site.“



Planning Application 2010/213/FUL and Listed Building Consent Application 2010/214/LBC - The Cedars Nursing Home, Cedar Park Road, Batchley

To consider a Planning Application and Listed Building Consent Application for a proposed two-storey extension to the rear of an existing building to provide nine single rooms and associated facilities and a new visitors car park.


Applicant:  Mr Robert Delaney


(Report and Site Plan to follow)


Unfortunately the Council is currently experiencing problems with its IT systems and is not able to publish the report and plan for this matter in the usual manner at the moment.  A copy of the report and plan can, however, be accessed via the following links:

(Application report)

(Site Plan)


Planning Application and Listed Building Consent

for a two-Storey extension to rear of existing

building to provide nine single rooms and

associated facilities and new visitors car park

Applicant:  Mr Robert Delaney




having regard to the Development Plan and to all other material considerations,


1)         Planning Permission be GRANTED, subject to the conditions and informatives summarised in the main report and the following additional conditions:


            “5.       Tree protection details to be agreed prior to implementation of car parking to front garden area; and


              6.       Limit hours of construction”; and


2)         Listed Building Consent be GRANTED, subject to the conditions and informatives summarised in the main report.


(During consideration of this item, and in accordance with the requirements of Section 81 of the Local Government Act 2000, Councillor B Clayton declared a personal but not prejudicial interest in view of the fact that he was acquainted with the applicant.)



Enforcement Report 2009/047/ENF and 2010/070/ENF - Grange Works, Grange Road, St Georges

To consider an Enforcement Report relating to a breach of Planning Permission and Listed building Consent.


(Report and Site Plan to follow)


Unfortunately the Council is currently experiencing problems with its IT systems and is not able to publish the report and plan for this matter in the usual manner at the moment.  A copy of the report and plan can, however, be accessed via the following links:


 (Enforcement Report)

(Site Plan)



Insertion of UPVC windows into a Listed Building




in relation to a breach of Planning Control, namely the insertion of UPVC windows to a Listed Building, authority be delegated to the Head of Legal, Equalities and Democratic Services, in consultation with the Head of Planning and Regeneration, to take the following actions:


1)         a Listed Building Enforcement Notice, alleging the unauthorised insertion of UPVC windows, be issued; and


2)         legal proceedings be instigated in the Magistrates Court in the event of any failure to comply with the Notice.



Enforcement Report 2007/097/ENF - 63 Felton Close, Matchborough

To consider an Enforcement matter in relation to the condition of a residential property.


(Report and Site Plan to follow)


Unfortunately the Council is currently experiencing problems with its IT systems and is not able to publish the report and plan for this matter in the usual manner at the moment.  A copy of the report and plan can, however, be accessed via the following links:

(Enforcement Report)

(Site Plan)



Condition of property




in relation to a breach of Planning Control in respect of the overgrown condition of the front and rear of the property, authority be delegated to the Head of Legal, Equalities and Democratic Services, in consultation with the Head of Planning and Regeneration, to take the following actions:


1)         the appointment of Contractors to carry out the works specified in the served Section 215 Notice, namely the clearing of all overgrown vegetation from the front and rear gardens, including any growing on the wall of the property; and


2)         Legal Services Officers be instructed to take all necessary steps to secure the recovery of all costs incurred by the placing of a charge on the property.