Agenda and minutes

Planning - Tuesday, 7th December, 2010 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Jan Smyth 

No. Item



To receive apologies for absence and details of any Councillor nominated to attend the meeting in place of a member of the Committee.


Apologies for absence were received on behalf of Councillors Brandon Clayton, Nigel Hicks and Robin King.



Declarations of Interest

To invite Councillors to declare any interest they may have in the items on the Agenda.


Councillors Bill Hartnett and Roger Hill declared personal and prejudicial interests in relation to Planning Application 2010/253/FUL (Former Marlfield Farm First School, Redstone Close, Church Hill North, Redditch) as detailed separately at Minute 60 below. Councillor Adam Griffin, in the public gallery, similarly declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this matter, also as detailed separately at Minute 60.


Councillor Chalk later declared a personal interest in respect of Planning Application 2010/254/FUL (Land adjacent to First House, Lady Harriet’s Lane, Redditch) in view of his close personal relationship to one of the speakers on that application, Councillor Simon Chalk.



Confirmation of Minutes pdf icon PDF 141 KB

To confirm, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 9th November 2010.


(Minutes attached)





the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 9th November 2010 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.



Planning Application 2010/210/OUT - Former Dingleside Middle School, adjacent open space and garages to rear of Nos. 1 to 11 Auxerre Avenue, Woodrow North pdf icon PDF 151 KB

To consider an Outline Planning Application for residential development (Use Class C3) with all matters reserved.


Applicant:  Worcestershire County Council


(Report attached – Site Plan under separate cover)


Additional documents:


Outline Planning Application for Residential Development (Use Class C3) with all Matters Reserved

Applicant: Worcestershire County Council


Mr R Pugh and Councillor G Vickery, Objectors, Mr M Williams, Agent for the Applicant and Mr I Heather, Applicant addressed the Committee under the Council’s public speaking rules.




having regard to the Development Plan and to all other material considerations,


1)         authority be delegated to the Head of Planning & Regeneration to GRANT planning permission subject to:


a)      the applicant entering into a Section 106 planning obligation ensuring that at least 40% of the units are to be provided as affordable housing in perpetuity; the Borough Council and/or the County Council, as appropriate, are paid appropriate contributions in relation to the development for sports facilities, play areas and open space enhancement in the locality being provided and maintained; and


b)     the conditions and informatives summarised in the report and the following additional conditions:


“7.        The peripheral land along the northern edge of the site, to the south of Throckmorton Road, to be retained as open space, excluding that area of land at the rear of 1-11 Auxerre Avenue which is the subject of a Supplementary Planning Document.

8.         The peripheral land along the southern and eastern edges of the site, adjacent to Woodrow North to be retained as open space.

9.         Mature trees and hedgerows to be identified and retained.”


2.      in the event that the planning obligation cannot be completed by 30th January 2011, authority be delegated to Officers to:


a)           refuse the application on the basis that without the planning obligation the proposed development would be contrary to policy and therefore unacceptable owing to the resultant detrimental impacts it would cause to community infrastructure by a lack of provision for their improvements; and that at least 40% of the dwellings could not be restricted to use for affordable housing in line with current policy requirements; and


b)     in the event of the applicant resubmitting the same or a very similar application with an acceptable and completed S106 legal agreement attached, authority be delegated to the Head of Planning & Regeneration to GRANT planning permission subject to the conditions stated in this report and any subsequent update report and any conditions agreed at the determining Planning Committee meeting.



Planning Application 2010/253/FUL - Former Marlfield Farm First School, Redstone Close, Church Hill North pdf icon PDF 137 KB

To consider a re-submission of Planning Application 2009/271/FUL for a residential development consisting of 39 no. two bedroom, 16 no. three bedroom, 3 no. four bedroom homes and 21 no. two bedroom flats.


Applicant:  Accord Housing Association


(Report attached – Site Plan under separate cover)

Additional documents:


Proposed residential development consisting of 39 No. two bed, 16 No. three bed, 3 No. four bed homes and 21 No. two bed flats

Applicant: Accord Housing Association


Ms Kelham and Councillor R Hill, Objectors and Mr P Rouse, Agent for the Applicant, addressed the Committee under the Council’s public speaking rules.




having regard to the Development Plan and to all other material considerations,


1)      authority be delegated to the Head of Planning & Regeneration to GRANT planning permission subject to:


a)      the applicant entering into a Section 106 planning obligation ensuring that 69 out of the 79 units are for the provision of affordable housing in perpetuity; the Council being paid appropriate contributions in relation to education (for the 10 units that would be for sale), and the development for pitches, play areas and open space provision in the locality being provided and maintained;


b)     the conditions and informatives summarised in the report and the following additional condition:


“14.  Details of wheel washing apparatus to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, prior to the development works commencing on site”;


2)      in the event that the planning obligation cannot be completed by 17th January 2011, authority be delegated to Officers to:


a)           refuse the application on the basis that, without the planning obligation, the proposed development would be contrary to policy and therefore unacceptable owing to the resultant detrimental impacts it would cause to community infrastructure by a lack of provision for their improvements; and that at least 40% of the dwellings could not be restricted to use for affordable housing in line with current policy requirements; and


b)     in the event of the applicant resubmitting the same or a very similar application with an acceptable and completed S106 legal agreement attached, authority be delegated to the Head of Planning & Regeneration to GRANT planning permission subject to the conditions stated in this report and any subsequent update report and any conditions agreed at the determining Planning Committee meeting.


(Prior to consideration of this item, and in accordance with the requirements of Section 81 of the Local Government Act 2000, Councillors Adam Griffin, Bill Hartnett and Roger Hill declared personal and prejudicial interests as all were Board Members of Redditch Cooperative Homes and additionally of Accord Housing Association (Councillor Hartnett) or were acting on behalf of residents of their Ward and so were exercising their right to speak as a Ward member (Councillor Hill) and took no part in the debate or voting on this item).



Planning Application 2010/254/FUL - Land adjacent to First House, Lady Harriets Lane, Redditch pdf icon PDF 89 KB

To consider a Planning Application for the erection of a single detached two storey dwelling.


Applicant:  Mr S Walsh


(Report attached – Site Plan under separate cover)


Additional documents:


Erection of a single detached two storey house

Applicant: Mr S Walsh


Councillor S Chalk, representing a number of local residents, Objector and Mr  P Walsh, Supporter, addressed the Committee under the Council’s public speaking rules.




having regard to the Development Plan and to all other material considerations, planning permission be GRANTED, subject to the conditions and informatives as summarised in the report, with the exception of Condition 8 (Bat roost opportunities / bat boxes) which was deleted.


(Prior to consideration of this item, and in accordance with the requirements of Section 81 of the Local Government Act 2000, Councillor Michael Chalk declared a personal interest in view of his close personal relationship to one of the public speakers, Councillor Simon Chalk.)



Planning Application 2010/266/FUL - 12 Boultons Lane, Crabbs Cross pdf icon PDF 67 KB

To consider a Planning Application for the erection of a Conservatory to the rear of the dwelling.


Applicant:  Mr S Crumpton


(Report attached – Site Plan under separate cover)

Additional documents:


Conservatory to the rear of the dwelling

Applicant: Mr Stanley Crumpton




having regard to the Development Plan and to all other material considerations, planning permission be GRANTED subject to conditions summarised in the report and the following informative:


“Reason for approval.”


(It was noted that the Application Number included in the report had been erroneously given as 2010/268/FUL rather than 2010/266/FUL)



Planning Application 2010/270/COU - Caffe Nero, 15-17 Evesham Walk, Town Centre pdf icon PDF 77 KB

To consider a Planning Application for a change of use of public highway to street café area.


Applicant:  Nero Holdings Ltd


(Report attached – Site Plan under separate cover)


Additional documents:


Change of use of public highway to street café area

Applicant: Nero Holdings Ltd.




having regard to the Development Plan and to all other material considerations, planning permission be REFUSED for the following reason:


“The proposed development is likely to lead to pedestrian conflict at this busy thoroughfare which links Market Place with the Kingfisher Shopping centre to the detriment of amenity and highway safety.  As such, the proposals would be contrary to National Planning Guidance contained within PPG.13 (Transport).”