Venue: Council Chamber Town Hall. View directions
Contact: Gavin Day Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Anthony Lovell with Councillor Gemma Monaco in attendance as substitute.
Declarations of Interest To invite Councillors to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and / or Other Disclosable Interests they may have in items on the agenda, and to confirm the nature of those interests.
Minutes: Councillors Bill Hartnett, Juma Begum, Andy Fry and Sid Khan declared an interest in relation to Agenda item 6 (Minute No29),23/00537/Ful - Town Hall, Walter Stranz Square, Redditch. In that they had campaigned to prevent the library moving into the Townhall building and as F1(d) “public libraries and public reading rooms” was included as a proposed use as part of the application they stated that they could not vote positively for the application and therefore were pre-determined.
Officers clarified to Members that Agenda item 6 (Minute No29) proposed a range of activities covered under F1 and F2(b) which included the provision of education, display of works of art, museums, public/exhibition halls, public worship, law courts and local community halls/meeting places. The application did not specify which of those uses would be used within the Town Hall.
Confirmation of Minutes Minutes: The minutes of the Planning Committee of 21st June 2023 were presented to Members.
To note Update Reports (if any) for the Planning Applications to be considered at the meeting (circulated prior to the commencement of the meeting)
Minutes: The Chair announced that an update report had been published, a copy of which had been circulated to all Members.
Members indicated they were familiar with the contents of the report and were happy to note the report and proceed with the meeting.
22/01316/OUT - Land rear of Sambourne Lane, Astwood Bank, B96 6EP Additional documents: Minutes: This application was
being reported to the Planning Committee as a
large number of representations in objection to the
application had been received, the application was subject to a
planning obligation and the recommendation was for
approval. Officers presented the report and in doing so,
drew Members’attention to the
presentation slides on pages 5 to 15 of the Site Plans and
Presentations pack. The application was for the
Land rear of Sambourne Lane,
Officers confirmed to Members that the application was for 9 self-build dwellings and that matters of appearance were not being considered as they would be covered under separate planning applications for the individual plots. Officers further clarified that the plot boundaries detailed on page 9 of the Site Plans and Presentations pack would be the maximum footprint of the buildings and any dwellings would need to be situated entirely within those build zones.
The additional and current tree screening was identified by Officers on page 9 of the Site Plans and Presentation pack, it was further highlighted that a number of mature silver birch trees would need to be removed to accommodate the development.
Officers further informed Members that the Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015 placed an obligation on Councils to supply plots for self-build units and that there was a 10 plot shortfall within Redditch Borough Council and that therefore significant weight should be afforded to this matter.
The applicant had requested a number of minor changes to the Conditions; therefore, Officers were seeking delegated powers to amend the Conditions and to finalise the Section 106 agreement.
At the invitation of the Chair, local residents Patrick Hanglin, Karen Baggott and Fraser Baggott addressed the Committee in objection to the application. Mr John Jowitt addressed the Committee in support of the application.
Officers clarified the following points after questions from Members.
23/00537/FUL - Town Hall, Walter Stranz Square, Redditch Additional documents: Minutes: Councillors Bill Hartnett, Juma Begum and Andy Fry who had declared an interest in relation to agenda item 6 (Minute No29), left the meeting room and took no part in the debate or vote thereof.
Councillor Sid Khan, who had declared an interest in relation to agenda item 6 (Minute No29), withdrew to the public gallery, but took no part in the debate or vote thereof.
It was noted that, the Legal Advisor to the Committee, had strongly advised those Members who had declared an interest to leave the meeting room. However, it was noted that Members who had chosen not to leave the meeting room, could not be compelled to do so.
The application was
reported to the Planning Committee as the applicant was Redditch
Borough Council, as such the application fell outside the scheme of
delegation to Officers. Officers presented the report and in doing so,
drew Members’attention to the
presentation slides on pages 17 to 36 of the Site Plans and
Presentations pack. The application was for the Townhall, Walter Stranz Square, Redditch and sought the change of use from Town Hall to mixed use as Town Hall and Community Hub, including Use Classes F2(b) and F1, with associated extensions and works.
Officers listed the proposed uses for the Town Hall which were outlined on page 28 of the Public Reports pack. Those uses were identified as acceptable by Officers.
The application proposed two extensions to the building. A double height extension would be located at the existing entrance to the Town Hall from Walter Stranz Square and would provide a more open aspect to the enlarged main reception area for the community hub. Large areas of glazing would increase the amount of natural light into the community hub.
The second extension would be located at the far end of the east wing which would house a new circulation staircase, connecting the lower ground floor and upper floors. This extension would be mainly glazed at the base to give the effect of a ‘floating box’. Glazing and cladding would be used for the staircase extension.
To reflect the design of the existing building, the main corner of both extensions would be chamfered, and both would be finished with a flat roof and parapet wall.
The colour finish of the potential cladding for the extensions had been changed following comments from the Conservation Officer. A bronze anodised finish that would complement the existing building was now proposed. However, as the material had not been fully examined by Officers an additional Condition (Condition 3, Page 39 of the Public Reports pack) was imposed for the submission and approval of all materials.
Officers took Members through the proposed floor layouts for the application and highlighted the extensions on the proposed elevation slides on pages 24 to 27 of the Site Plans and Presentations pack.
Officers drew Members’ attention to the comments received in an objection letter, which was summarised on pages 5 and 6 of ... view the full minutes text for item 29. |
23/00683/FUL - Town Hall, Walter Stranz Square, Redditch Additional documents: Minutes: Officers presented
the report and in doing so, drew
Members’attention to the presentation slides on pages
37 to 43 of the Site Plans and Presentations
pack. The application was for the Townhall, Walter Stranz Square, Redditch and sought the installation of a bike shelter with capacity for 6 bikes.
Officers referred to the previous and newly proposed bike shelter locations, as detailed on pages 38 and 41 of the Site Plans and Presentations Pack respectively.
The previous location was deemed too cluttered with the changes to the entrance and the existing sculpture. Since the new location was outside of the approved applications boundary it required a new application.
Officers clarified the following points after questions from Members.
Members were pleased to note that the developer had been given just 1 year to implement the application, as it was a simple development and had not warranted the usual 3-year timeframe. Members saw no reason to refuse the application, on being put to a vote it was.
having had regard to the development plan and to all other materialconsiderations, authority be delegated to the head of Planning and Regeneration toGRANT planning permission subject to: -