Agenda and minutes

Executive - Tuesday, 16th December, 2014 7.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 2 Town Hall

Contact: Democratic Services  01527 64252 Ext: 3257

No. Item



To receive the apologies of any Member who is unable to attend this meeting.


Apologies for absence were received on behalf of Councillors Juliet Brunner and John Fisher.




Declarations of Interest

To invite Councillors to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or Other Disclosable Interests they may have in items on the agenda, and to confirm the nature of those interests.


There were no declarations of interest.




Leader's Announcements

1.         To give notice of any items for future meetings or for the Executive Committee Work Programme, including any scheduled for this meeting, but now carried forward or deleted; and


2.         any other relevant announcements.


(Oral report)


Additional Papers


Members’ attention was drawn to the Additional Papers pack which contained the minutes of the meeting of the Worcestershire Regulatory Services Shared Services Joint Committee held on 27th November 2014.  It was noted that there were no recommendations to be considered.


Time To Change Pledge


Following Full Council’s endorsement of the Time To Change Pledge on 8th December, the Leader signed a display presentation board for the Council’s Pledge.


Work Programme


It was noted that the Review of Financial Resilience report which had originally appeared on the Executive Work Programme for the meeting that evening had not been required and had therefore been deleted. 


The Landscape Improvements to the Town Centre Phase II report which was listed on the Work Programme for the 20th January 2015 meeting had been delayed and would at this stage remain on the Work Programme without a set date.


Taliban attack on school in Peshawar, Pakistan


Members noted with great shock and sadness the Taliban attack which had taken place earlier that day on an army school in Peshawar, North-west Pakistan, in which over 100 children and members of staff had lost their lives.


Redditch had a large Pakistani community and Members sent their sincere sympathies and condolences to the families of those who had been injured or killed in the terrorist attack.


The Leader requested that a letter be sent from himself and the Mayor to Redditch Central Mosque and the High Commission for Pakistan in London expressing the Council’s deep sadness at the news.




Minutes pdf icon PDF 219 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee held on 25th November 2014.


(Minutes attached)




the minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee held on 25th November 2014 be agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.




Proposals for Change to Tudor Grange Academy Short, Sharp Review - Final Report pdf icon PDF 5 MB

To consider the Proposals for Change to Tudor Grange Academy Short, Sharp Review's final report.


(Report attached)


Additional documents:


Councillor Pat Witherspoon, Chair of the Proposals for Change by Tudor Grange Academy Short, Sharp Review group, presented the group’s final report.  She was accompanied by Councillors Carole Gandy and Pattie Hill who also took part in the Review.


The report proposed three recommendations, only the first of which needed to be approved by the Executive Committee as this required action by the Chief Executive.  Recommendations 2 and 3 had already been referred direct to Worcestershire County Council and the Executive Committee was therefore asked to note those proposals.  The Overview and Scrutiny Committee had endorsed all three recommendations.    


The following were noted as the key objectives of the Review:


·         To understand the proposals by Tudor Grange Academy to extend the age range of pupils;

·         To assess the potential impact on schooling arrangements in the Borough if the proposals were to be implemented; and

·         Through investigation of this proposal and the basis on which academy schools operate, to support Ward Councillors and residents in understanding how they can best contribute most effectively to the debate and decision on this issue.


It was specifically noted that the group was not tasked with determining whether the changes proposed by Tudor Grange Academy Redditch (TGAR) should be implemented, the outcome of which Members were not able to influence.   Members were also not asked to reach any conclusions about three-tier and two-tier education or which system would be preferable for the Borough in the long-term.


Evidence had been gathered from a range of sources including representatives of Tudor Grange Academy Redditch (TGAR); Karen Lumley MP; Councillor Rebecca Blake, the Redditch Democratic Alliance, local schools and representatives of the Redditch School Changes Action group


The group concluded that TGAR had followed, and in part exceeded, the proper process set out by the government when proposing and consulting on changes to their school admissions.   However, the process set down by the government did not address the specific needs of schools and school pyramids in a three-tier education system and it was felt that this needed to be updated to reflect those considerations. 


Whilst it was the group’s view that TGAR had good intentions with the proposed changes, feedback received from other schools in the town indicated that ideally more action could have been taken when consulting on the changes.  Examples of other schools in the area which had consulted informally with parents about a potential change from a three-tier to a two-tier system had shown that additional steps outside the formal process could have been implemented which would have helped address local concerns. 


It was felt that uncertainly surrounding the future of other schools in the pyramid created confusion and in some cases anger amongst parents about the proposed changes.  Members felt this uncertainty contributed to the decision by some schools to consult on their own changes which in turn potentially created greater uncertainly.  Poor communication, by both TGAR and the County Council, was also found to have compounded confusion amongst parents.


The speed with which  ...  view the full minutes text for item 73.


Consolidated Revenue & Capital Monitoring Report Quarter 2 2014/15 pdf icon PDF 304 KB

To consider the Council’s financial position for the period April to September 2014 (Outturn – 2014/15).


(Report attached)




Members considered the consolidated revenue and capital outturn position for the period April to September 2014.


Officers stated that whilst there was currently a shortfall of £212k in identified savings these would be achieved by vacancy management and other savings during the financial year.


Heads of Service and managers were continuing to look at where savings could be made and whilst carry forwards in budgets could be made available to Heads of Service under delegated authority, Heads of Service would be looking at where savings could be made to ensure that only necessary underspends were carried forward. 


The financial commentary detailed in the report in relation to the £740k asbestos underspend was noted, together with the proposed virements from the asbestos budget to address other overspends within the Capital Programme.  The £77k requested from Housing Revenue Account reserves to fund the demolition of Upper Norgrove House based on health and safety concerns was also noted.




1)           the current financial position on Revenue and Capital as detailed in the report be noted;


2)            the following virements for the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Capital Programme be approved:


the Asbestos budget be reduced by £290K to fund the following Capital Schemes:


            £50K Kitchen Upgrades

            £200K to Rewiring

            £40K to Window Replacements; and


3)        £77K be released from the HRA reserves to fund the demolition of Upper Norgrove House.




Budget Position Statement

To receive a presentation updating the Committee on the latest position with budget proposals for 2015/16.


(No separate report)



Officers provided Members with an oral update on the latest budget position for 2015/16.


Members were advised that whilst there was not currently a balanced budget for the medium term, a 3-year sustainable budget plan would be presented to Full Council in February 2015.  This was a similar position to many other local authorities.  Officers added that there was a general assumption that by 2019/20 Councils would have to be self-funding.


The original predicted budget shortfall for 2015/16 had been £2,314m, with further predicted shorfalls for 2016/17 and 2017/18 of £432k and £886k respectively.  The latest projected shortfalls stood at £462k for 2015/16, which included a one-off use of £500k from reserves, £818k for 2016/17 and £970k for 2017/18.


The figures included a £300k reduction in pension costs as a result of an increase in the number of permitted payment years, total New Homes Bonus of £802k, minimum annual bid of £30k to continue Essential Living Fund Support should funding for this be withdrawn from the County Council and an assumed annual Council Tax increase of 1.9%. 


It was assumed that there would be a reduction of approximately £500k in the Government Grant from 2014/15, the final figure for which should be made know within the following week or so, and a pay increase of 2.2%.  Any cuts in funding from the County Council would hopefully be made known early in 2015, and Officers had stressed to the County Council that they needed to be informed of any cuts as soon as possible.


Officers advised that a great deal of work would be carried out over the following few weeks to produce a sustainable 3-year budget for Executive Committee on 3rd February 2015.  This would then be considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 17th February, prior to Full Council on 23rd February.  More detail would be included in the budget on how the proposed £645k of Strategic Purpose savings would be made, and from which services and transformation projects savings had been made.


Officers stated that the Council’s external auditors, Grant Thornton, were comfortable with the approach being taken on the budget for 2015/16 and for the following 2 years.


Members thanked Officers and the Portfolio Holder for their work on the budget and were pleased to hear that Grant Thornton were comfortable with the current position.  A measured approach had been taken with the budget in recent years, the results of which were now being seen.  




the position be noted.




Overview and Scrutiny Committee pdf icon PDF 183 KB

To receive the minutes of the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 10th November 2014.


There are no recommendations to consider.


(Minutes attached)


The Committee received the minutes of the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 10th November 2014.


It was noted that there were no recommendations to consider.




the minutes of the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 10th November 2014 be received and noted.




Worcestershire Regulatory Services Shared Services Joint Committee pdf icon PDF 173 KB

To receive the minutes of the meeting of the WRS Shared Services Joint Committee held on 27th November 2014 and consider any recommendations arising from them.


(Minutes to Follow)



The Committee received, under Additional Papers, the minutes of the meeting of the Worcestershire Regulatory Services (WRS) Shared Services Joint Committee held on 27th November 2014. 


It was noted that there were no recommendations to consider.


Members noted that Capita had withdrawn from the strategic partnership procurement process and that WRS Officers would now be determining the shape of future service delivery.  Whilst there had been some disappointment expressed at the meeting at Capita’s withdrawal, the level of service provided and high reputation gained by WRS had been noted.


The Leader advised that subsequent to the WRS meeting it had been announced that Steve Jorden, Head of Worcestershire Regulatory Services, had obtained a promotion as Head of Paid Service at South Hams District Council and West Devon Borough Council, and would be leaving his current post in the New Year.  It was agreed that a letter be sent on behalf of the Executive to express their sincere thanks to Mr Jorden for the work he had undertaken in delivering an excellent Regulatory Services for all in Redditch and wishing him success in his new position.




the minutes of the meeting of the Worcestershire Regulatory Services Shared Services Joint Committee held on 27th November 2014 be received and noted.




Minutes / Referrals - Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Executive Panels etc.

To receive and consider any outstanding minutes or referrals from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Executive Panels etc. since the last meeting of the Executive Committee, other than as detailed in the items above.


There were no outstanding referrals to consider.




Advisory Panels - update report pdf icon PDF 134 KB

To consider, for monitoring / management purposes, an update on the work of the Executive Committee’s Advisory Panels and similar bodies, which report via the Executive Committee.


(Report attached)


Councillor Chance advised that the Economic Theme Group under the Local Strategic Partnership, which had replaced the Economic Advisory Panel, had met on a couple of occasions and was proving to be very successful forum.  The membership included representatives from local businesses, the Heart of Worcestershire College and Borough Councillors.




the report be noted.




Action Monitoring pdf icon PDF 23 KB

To consider an update on the actions arising from previous meetings of the Committee.


(Report attached)


Members were advised that no update on the information requested at the 8th September 2014 meeting in relation to the Finance Monitoring Report 2014/15 April to June (Quarter 1) was yet available.


Officers undertook to find out the details for the questions raised and to report back to all members of the Committee on this.




the report be noted.