
(Application Withdrawn), Licensing Sub-Committee - Monday, 15th December, 2014 7.00 pm, CANCELLED

Venue: Council Chamber Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Pauline Ross  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Chair's Welcome

The Chair will open the meeting and welcome all present.



To receive apologies for absence and the details of any Councillor nominated to attend the meeting in place of a Member listed.


Declarations of Interest

To invite Councillors to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or Other Disclosable Interests they may have in items on the agenda, and to confirm the nature of those interests.


Application for the Variation of a Premises Licence - Punch Taverns Plc in respect of Steps Bar & Bistro, 163 Evesham Road, Redditch, Worcstershire, B97 5EN pdf icon PDF 157 KB

To consider an application for a variation to a Premises Licence made by Punch Taverns Plc in respect of Steps Bar & Bistro, 163 Evesham Road, Redditch, Worcestershire, B97 5EN.


(Report attached)

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