Venue: Committee Room 2 Town Hall. View directions
Contact: Michael Craggs
No. | Item |
Apologies and named substitutes To receive apologies for absence and details of any Councillor (or co-optee substitute) nominated to attend this meeting in place of a member of this Panel.
Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors Joe Baker and Brandon Clayton, and Ken Hazeldene (Hate Incident Partnership). |
Declarations of interest and of Party Whip To invite Councillors to declare any interest they may have in items on the Agenda and any Party Whip.
Minutes: There were no declarations of interest nor of any party whip.
To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting of the Crime and Disorder Scrutiny Panel on 4th October 2012 as a correct record.
(Minutes attached).
Minutes: RESOLVED that
the minutes of the meeting of the Panel held on Thursday 4th October 2012 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
North Worcestershire Community Safety Partnership Framework - Redditch To consider the 2012/13 quarter 3 performance tables for the North Worcestershire Community Safety Partnership Performance Framework for Redditch and to propose recommendations for further action based on the report if deemed necessary.
(Report attached) Minutes: The Panel received the latest Community Safety Partnership Framework Performance Report which contained year to date totals up to October for 2011/12 and 2012/13 with the relevant percentage change, both for North Worcestershire collectively and Redditch individually.
The report contained three recommendations for the North Worcestershire Community Safety Partnership (NWCSP) which were all accepted at their relevant meeting in December 2012.
Members were pleased to note the significant year to date reductions in recorded crime as outlined in the report. In particular, metal theft crime had decreased by seventy per cent, with a reduction of 136 offences in Redditch alone. This was attributed to the prior arrest of one or two prolific repeat offenders.
The second recommendation within the report regarded the addition of Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) data. This concerned the most serious cases in the county and involved all police, public, and voluntary agencies to help the individuals affected.
The third recommendation was for the NWCSP to note that there were no significant changes in performance or areas of concern emerging from the previous quarter.
Officers explained that any increase in reported crime was not necessarily unwelcome. Instead, it was often perceived to be evidence of increased public confidence in reporting criminal incidents, especially new cases. Furthermore, Officers were very much focused on monitoring the outcome of reported incidents, in particular regarding whether an individual was satisfied with an agency’s response, rather than simply looking at numbers alone. It was explained that these gave a clearer indication of performance at an operational level. Overall, it was reported that this multi-agency approach was leading to more positive outcomes in terms of tackling crime in North Worcestershire.
Officers clarified that figures for ‘Crimes with Vulnerable Adult Market’ could refer to both victims and perpetrators. The marker ensured that any related reported incidents would be flagged up and dealt with.
the report be noted.
North Worcestershire Community Safety Partnership minutes To consider the minutes of the shadow North Worcestershire Community Safety Partnership meeting held on 25th September 2012.
(Minutes attached) Minutes: The Panel received the minutes of the Shadow North Worcestershire Community Safety Partnership (NWCSP) meeting on 25th September 2012.
Members requested further information about the Community Payback Scheme and asked about what positive outcomes were achieved. It was explained that the scheme was geared towards providing the recent offenders with new skills that they could use to the benefits of themselves and the local community. The scheme was tailored slightly differently within each district, however it was thought that perhaps the NWCSP could look at indentifying specific local community centres that required manual work.
The Panel heard that the Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue Service was very actively involved in the scheme, and provided skills-based training opportunities and support with education and employment to recent offenders as part of Senior Attendance Centres it ran in partnership with the West Mercia Probation Trust. Any of the recent offenders who failed to attend the sessions were returned to court.
Officers agreed to provide further information on the scheme at the Panel’s next meeting, including on how Members could play a greater role in the nominations process.
Members felt that it would be beneficial for representatives of mental health agencies to regularly attend Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Group meetings. Officers confirmed that the Group could look at referrals.
the report be noted
Police and Crime Commissioner Election To receive a report on the election of a Police and Crime Commissioner for West Mercia and of any implications for Redditch.
(Verbal Report) Minutes: Officers provided a verbal report on the outcome of the Police and Crime Commissioner elections held on 15th November 2012.
In West Mercia, Bill Longmore, Independent candidate, was elected as the new Commissioner following a second round of voting. Turnout was 14.54 per cent. This was just below the national valid turnout of 15.1 per cent.
The Commissioner would possess the authority to determine local policing priorities, publish an annual Policing Plan, and set a local precept and force budget. The Panel also heard that the Commissioner would have control of all central government funding which previously went to the Community Safety Partnerships. Bids in line with previous years funding amounts were prepared and submitted by the NWCSP to the Police and Crime Commissioner.The final allocation of funding for the NWCSP for the next financial year would be confirmed in February.
The Police and Crime Commissioner would be attending the next NWCSP meeting on the 19th March to formally introduce himself and to endorse the merged Partnership.
The new Police and Crime Commissioner had also opened a consultation on the Police Precept proposals and sought views on the Draft Police and Crime Plan 2013-17. This had generally elicited positive responses.
the report be noted. |
West Mercia Police and Crime Panel To receive an update on recent West Mercia Police and Crime Panel meetings
(Verbal report) Minutes: Officers provided an update on West Mercia Police and Crime Panel, which had been established to scrutinise the work of the Police and Crime Commissioner.
Members were informed that the first public meeting of the Police and Crime Panel had taken place on 5th December 2012. Cllr Paul Middlebrough (Wychavon) was elected Chair of the Panel and Cllr Malcolm Pate (Shropshire) was appointed Vice-Chair. The meeting was attended by the new Police and Crime Commissioner, Bill Longmore, who talked through his proposals.
Discussions at the meeting centred on the Medium Term Financial Plan, and the future of the West Mercia - Warwickshire Strategic Alliance. In line with the requirements of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011, there was also a confirmation hearing for the new Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner, Barrie Sheldon, during which the Police and Crime Panel made very clear its dissatisfaction with the whole recruitment process, and recommended that Barrie Sheldon should not be appointed to the post. However, Bill Longmore had since written to the Police and Crime Panel to state that it was not essential for the recruitment process to be competitive, and refuted criticism of his new deputy.
Members also heard that on 17th January, Barrie Sheldon had met with Sue Hanley, as Chair of the NWCSP, and other representatives to discuss endorsement of the NWCSP merger and open discussions on future working relationships.
The next meeting of the Police and Crime Panel would take place on 5th February.
the report be noted.
Referrals To consider any referrals to the Crime and disorder Scrutiny Panel direct; or arising from:
· the Overview and Scrutiny Committee; · the Executive Committee or full Council; · other sources.
Minutes: There were no referrals. |
To consider the Panel’s current Work Programme, and any potential items for addition.
(Work Programme attached)
Minutes: RESOLVED that
the Work Programme be noted.