Agenda and minutes

Crime and Disorder Scrutiny - Tuesday, 7th September, 2010 7.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 2 Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Jess Bayley 

No. Item


Apologies and named substitutes

To receive apologies for absence and details of any Councillor (or co-optee substitute) nominated to attend this meeting in place of a member of this panel.




Apologies were received from on behalf of Councillor Wanda King and co-opted member, Councillor Sheila Blagg.


ADI V Reay attended as a substitute for Councillor Sheila Blagg (West Mercia Police Authority).


Apologies for absence were also received from S Hanley (Redditch Borough Council), K Hazeldine (Redditch Anti-Harassment Partnership) and A Burnett (West Mercia Police).



Declarations of Interest and of Party Whip

To invite Councillors to declare any interest they may have in items on the agenda and any Party Whip.




Councillor A Clayton declared a personal interest because her husband was a member of the West Mercia Police Authority Board.


There were no other declarations of interest nor of any party whip.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 145 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee held on 8th March 2010.


(Minutes attached).


Additional documents:




the minutes of the meeting of the Panel held on 15th July 2010 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.



Actions List pdf icon PDF 45 KB

To note the contents of the Panel’s Actions List.


(Report attached).


Members noted the content of the Panel’s Action List from the meeting on 15th July 2010.


Officers reported that all actions would be completed by 8th September 2010.




the report be noted.



Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC)

To receive a presentation on the subject of Sexual Assault Referral Centres (SARCs)


(Verbal presentation to follow).


The Chair welcomed ADI Vikki Reay, from the West Mercia Police Authority and lead officer for the Rape Steering Group.  She had been invited to deliver a presentation on Sexual Assault Referral Centres (SARC).


Members were informed that the aim of a SARC was to promote recovery and health following a rape or sexual assault on victims, whether or not the victim wished to report it to the Police and that these services would be best provided by a range of public, independent and third sector providers co-located in one place.


West Mercia Police had been working to establish a SARC in Worcestershire since 2003.  The Department of Health’s National Operating Framework for 2010/11 confirmed that Primary Care Trusts (PCT) had a crucial role in working with local partners to ensure that a properly resourced SARC would be in place in every area by 2011.  Only four areas, including West Mercia, had not established or begun work to establish a SARC in their area. 


A SARC Board had been established and their first meeting would be held on 1st October 2010 when it was expected that the Vision agreement would be confirmed.  The Board would be jointly chaired by an Assistant Chief Constable from West Mercia Police and the Director of Public Health, Shropshire PCT with additional Chief Executive representation from other PCTs in the area.


Ms Reay reported that the resourcing of SARCs varied greatly nationally and identifying sustainable funding had been challenging and would continue to be so.  Many agencies were awaiting information from Central Government’s October Spending Review to enable prioritisation of their limited resources.


Other key challenges for SARC delivery, nationally and locally, had been identified as:


a)       National Operational Framework amendments 2010 including removal of PCTs and Strategic Health Authorities  in 2013 and the introduction of GP Commissioning Services;

b)       cost neutral interim solutions; and


c)       sustainable funding arrangements.


The Chair thanked Ms Reay for an informative presentation.




the report be noted.



Questions for Worcestershire PCT

Subject to the outcome of discussions under item 5, to propose questions for the consideration of representatives from Worcestershire PCT on the subject of Sexual Assault Referral Centres (SARC).


(Oral report).


The Panel was asked to propose questions for the consideration of representatives from Worcestershire PCT on the subject of Sexual Assault Referral Centres (SARC).


Members agreed the following questions:


1)                 What is your provision at the moment for victims of sexual violence?

2)                 What funding could you provide to support a Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) in the West Mercia area?

3)                 Please could you briefly outline what changes are due to be made to the NHS and in particular local PCTs?


4)                 How are these changes to NHS and PCT provision of services likely to impact locally on potential support for a SARC?




the questions as noted above be sent to officers of Worcestershire PCT prior to their attendance at the following meeting of the Panel.



Policing White Paper - Policing in the 21st Century: Reconnecting Police and the People pdf icon PDF 408 KB

To consider the contents of the policing White Paper - Policing in the 21st Century: Reconnecting Police and the People – and to determine whether any feedback should be provided by the Panel as part of the White Paper consultation process.


(Report attached).


Members considered the White Paper, “Policing in the 21st Century: Reconnecting Police and the People” and were asked whether they wished to have the Panel’s comments included in the White Paper consultation process.  Members also considered written feedback on the questions posed in the White Paper from the Panel’s co-opted Member, Councillor Sheila Blagg.  This had been provided at the request of the Chair of the Panel because she had been unable to attend the Panel meeting.


The White Paper included chapters on the following with the addition of a foreword by the Home Secretary:


1)                 The Challenge;

2)                 Increasing Democratic Accountability;

3)                 Removing Bureaucratic Accountability;

4)                 A National Framework for Efficient Local Policing; and

5)                 Tackling Crime Together.


Chapters 2 to 5 included a number of questions for comment.


Following the advice of Officers Members agreed that it would not be appropriate for the Panel to comment on the Questions contained Chapter 3 as these were concerned with internal Police processes rather than with the wider implications for local Community Safety Partnerships.


Members discussed and considered their response to each of the questions.




1)                 the Panel’s comments on “Policing in the 21st Century” be forwarded to the Home Office for consideration; and


2)                 the report be noted.



Referrals pdf icon PDF 52 KB

To consider any referrals to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee direct, or arising from:


·              The Executive Committee;

·              The Overview and Scrutiny Committee; or

·              Other Sources.



(No report).


Additional documents:


The Panel considered an invitation from the Home Office to comment on its desire to reduce prescriptive regulations for Community Safety Partnerships (CSPs).


Members were informed that the proposed changes were a move by the Coalition Government towards localism, developing accountability to the public and removing unnecessary bureaucracy, as set out in Chapter 5 of the consultation on “Policing in the 21st Century” (Minute 18 above refers) and runs in parallel to that consultation process.


Officers clarified how each the proposed changes to the regulations would impact on Community Safety Partnerships.




1)                 the Panel’s comments, as attached to these minutes, be forwarded to the Home Office; and


2)                 the report be noted.



Work Programme pdf icon PDF 89 KB

To consider the contents of the Panel’s Work Programme.


(Report attached).


Members considered the Panel’s Work Programme.




the contents of the Panel’s Work Programme be noted.


SARC Presentation (Minute 16 above refers) pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Community Safety Partnerships Consultation (Minute 19 above refers) pdf icon PDF 77 KB