There are eleven
Councillors who sit on the Licensing Committee. The Committee as a whole meets approximately three
times a year.
The primary role of
the Licensing Committee is to provide a pool of Councillors to sit
on Sub-Committees that consider licensing applications and conduct
hearings relating to taxi licensing and related
matters. The Licensing Sub-Committees
for matters within the scope of the Licensing Act 2003 and Gambling
Act 2005 (i.e. premises licenses, personal licenses, reviews of
existing licenses and so forth) are established on an ad hoc basis
and comprise three Councillors. The Licensing Sub-Committee (Taxis)
comprises five Councillors and meets monthly and generally in
private owing to the personal nature of the majority of the
business being transacted.
Members of the public
are welcome to attend meetings of the Licensing Committee and
Sub-Committees in relation to the Licensing Act and Gambling
Act. If you would like further information on licensing
matters please contact the Council’s Licensing Team on 01527
534100 or by emailing