Agenda item

Quarterly Budget Report

To consider the Council’s budget report data for the third quarter of the year.


(Report attached)




The Committee considered the third quarterly budget monitoring report for 2008/09.


Particular reference was made to the following matters:


a)           Budget 0437: Market


Members discussed the target for the Customer and Client Receipts for the Market.  They questioned the meaning of a comment appended to the document reading “unrealistic balancing figure income expected to be £105,000” as well as the accuracy of the negative total figure of 75.94% for the Market.  Officers explained that the figures for the Market were supposed to be budgeted to break even but unfortunately income had been lower than expected and so the Council did not expect to meet the target.  Officers agreed with Members that the actual total figure was likely to be different to the 75.94% quoted in the document.


b)           Budget 0707: Dial-A-Ride


Members discussed the figures for Dial-A-Ride and questioned why the transport costs had been lower than anticipated.  Officers confirmed that this had been due to a reduction in the cost of petrol.


c)      Budget 0733: Contaminated Land


Members discussed the data provided relating to contaminated land and queried the 2.89% total figure quoted in the document.  Officers suggested that this figure would require further consideration by Officers.




the report be noted. 

Supporting documents: