Agenda item

Application 20/01320/S73 - Redditch Trades and Labour Club 38-40 Bromsgrove Road Redditch B97 4RJ - Accord Housing Group

Update and revised plan attached


Amendment to condition 2 as per approval 2016/024/FUL

Amendments to site layout, with reduction in carparking bays, changes to building footprint and position, removal of steps in building (height). Adjustment to external levels. Amendments to elevations, including number and positions of dormers and windows. Omission of gate to undercroft. Amendments to internal layout and change in unit mix.


Officers presented the application which encompassed various revisions to the scheme for 26 one bedroomed flats and 14 two bedroomed flats previously agreed by Planning Committee on 17th July 2019 under reference 2016/024/FUL.


In the intervening period, Accord Housing Association had acquired an interest in the site and were now proposing to build out the approved scheme.  Members were reminded that at an earlier meeting of the Planning Committee in December 2019, the decision had been made to amend the section 106 to agreement to provide for the tenure to be 100% affordable.


In re-visiting the original approved plans for the scheme, the applicant had identified a number of aspects which they wished to revise and the main changes were summarised by officers as follows: -


·       Changing the proposed mix of the flats to 30 one bedroomed flats and 10 two bedroomed flats.

·       The inclusion of a larger plant room to support the installation of a sprinkler system, the changes to the mix of flats enabling extra space to be freed up for this element.

·       Changes to the layout of the upper floors to improve communal internal circulation.

·       Changes to the site layout including moving the gable end off the northern boundary to allow room for construction and removing the proposed gates to the undercroft parking to aid ease of movement.

·       Reduction of the proposed number of parking spaces from 30 to 21 to enable the retention of existing trees and hedges.

·       Adjustments to storey heights and proportions of windows.


There were no objections from County Highways to the reduction in parking provision and in reaching this view the town centre location close to public transport links had been taken into consideration.  It was noted that whilst the number of parking spaces would be reduced, under the revised scheme all spaces would be fitted with electric vehicle charging points.


Members were referred to the revised wording of Condition 12 as set out in the second Update Report.


At the invitation of the Chair, Mr George Stoyan of the Accord Housing Association addressed the committee under the Council’s public speaking rules.


In debating the application some reservations were expressed regarding the reduction in parking provision, but overall Members welcomed the revisions including in particular the installation of a sprinkler system.




Having regard to the development plan and to all other material considerations, permission be GRANTED subject to: -


1.     The conditions set out on pages 44 to 48 of the main agenda




2.    The re-wording of Condition 12 as follows: -


12. The Development hereby permitted shall not be first occupied until the proposed 21 car parking spaces have each been fitted with an electric vehicle charging point. The charging points shall comply with BS EN 62196 Mode 3 or 4 charging and BS EN 61851 and the Worcestershire County Council Streetscape Design Guide. The electric vehicle charging points shall be retained for the lifetime of the development unless they need to be replaced in which case the replacement charging point(s) shall be of the same specification or a higher specification in terms of charging performance.


REASON: To encourage sustainable travel and healthy communities.










Supporting documents: