Declarations of interest

 Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Flexible Homelessness Support Grant and Homelessness Reduction Grant 2021/22'

  • Councillor Bill Hartnett - Other disclosable - During consideration of this item Councillors Brandon Clayton and Bill Hartnett declared other disclosable interests because it was proposed that Fry Accord, which was part of the Accord Housing Group, should receive some grant funding. The Committee was advised that both Councillor Clayton and Councillor Hartnett had been appointed to Redditch Co-operative Homes, which was part of the Accord Group, by Council. Members were advised that neither Councillor had any involvement with Fry Accord, though it was part of the Accord Group, and therefore, they remained in the meeting to participate in the debate and vote for this item
  • Councillor Brandon Clayton - Other disclosable - During consideration of this item Councillors Brandon Clayton and Bill Hartnett declared other disclosable interests because it was proposed that Fry Accord, which was part of the Accord Housing Group, should receive some grant funding. The Committee was advised that both Councillor Clayton and Councillor Hartnett had been appointed to Redditch Co-operative Homes, which was part of the Accord Group, by Council. Members were advised that neither Councillor had any involvement with Fry Accord, though it was part of the Accord Group, and therefore, they remained in the meeting to participate in the debate and vote for this item