Meeting attendance

Monday, 4th November, 2013 7.00 pm, Overview and Scrutiny

Venue:   Committee Room 2 Town Hall

Contact:    J Bayley and M Craggs
Democratic Services Officers

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor David Bush Chair Present
Councillor Gay Hopkins Vice-Chair Present
Councillor Andrew Brazier Committee Member Present
Councillor Simon Chalk Committee Member Present
Councillor Andrew Fry Committee Member Present
Councillor Carole Gandy Committee Member Present
Councillor Alan Mason Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Yvonne Smith Committee Member Present
Councillor Pat Witherspoon Committee Member Present
Councillor Wanda King Committee Member Present as substitute
Jess Bayley-Hill Committee Officer In attendance
Ray Cooke Officer In attendance
Claire Felton Officer In attendance
Donna Hancox Officer In attendance
Georgina Harris Officer In attendance
Steve Singleton Officer In attendance
Ivor Westmore Committee Officer In attendance