Venue: Oakenshaw Community Centre. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item | ||||||||
Apologies for Absence Minutes: An apology for absence was received on behalf of Councillor Juma Begum.
In the absence of the Mayor, the Deputy Mayor chaired the meeting.
Declarations of Interest To invite Councillors to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or Other Disclosable Interests they may have in items on the agenda, and to confirm the nature of those interests.
Minutes: There were no declarations of interest.
Minutes: RESOLVED that
the minutes of the meeting of Council held on 11th November 2024 be approved as a true and correct record and signed by the Mayor.
Announcements To consider Announcements under Procedure Rule 10:
a) Mayor’s Announcements
b) The Leader’s Announcements
c) Chief Executive’s Announcements.
Minutes: The following announcements were made at the meeting:
a) The Mayor’s Announcements
The Deputy Mayor read out a statement on behalf of the Mayor at the meeting:
“My apologies for not being able to attend and chair this meeting. In my absence, I am grateful that the Deputy Mayor is able to deputise for me.
Happy New Year to everyone, and welcome back. I am sure we all recognise the number of challenges and changes we will face this year as a Council and as Councillors. Nevertheless, we must persevere and continue working for the residents of Redditch.
Since we last met as a Council, I have attended a number of events. However, I believe it is important to highlight yesterday’s event, where our town and council came together to mark 80 years since the Holocaust. People from diverse backgrounds gathered at the Holocaust Memorial marker, including representatives from the Council, the community, and fellow Councillors.
In the hope of building a better future, we must continue to promote diversity, love, respect, and kindness. As Councillors, what we write and share on social media carries significant influence over how people perceive and react. It is, therefore, our moral responsibility to ensure we promote facts over fiction. As the Mayor of Redditch, I urge you to think carefully before commenting or posting online.
I want to express my gratitude to everyone who came together yesterday, standing united against the minority who spread hate and fear. A special thank you to the Council officers and the Holocaust Committee for their excellent arrangements for the event, and to Councillor Hartnett for his remarkable work in making sure the event reflected the dignity and solemnity it deserves in our pursuit of a "Better Future."
Additionally, I wish to highlight the contributions of our two guest speakers: Mirsad Solakovic, a survivor of the Bosnian War who, at just 13 years old, endured unimaginable suffering, including torture by a Serbian soldier who turned out to be his schoolteacher; and Simon Winston, a Polish Holocaust survivor. Their stories deeply moved us all, reminding us of the importance of learning from the past to ensure a brighter and more inclusive future.
Thank you for listening, and I hope you have a productive and meaningful meeting.”
b) The Leader’s Announcements
The Leader advised that since the previous Council meeting he had attended a meeting of the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) Board alongside the Assistant Director of Regeneration and Property Services.
There had been a number of meetings of Worcestershire Leaders’ Board, which the Leader had attended alongside the Chief Executive. The subjects of devolution and the County Council elections had been discussed at these meetings.
The Leader had attended a number of civic events alongside the Mayor of the Borough of Redditch. This had included attending a number of carol concerts in the community prior to Christmas as well as the Holocaust Memorial Day commemorations on Sunday 26th January 2025.
During consideration of this item, Members had ... view the full minutes text for item 57. |
Questions on Notice (Procedure Rule 9) Any further Questions on Notice that are accepted for consideration at this meeting will be published in a supplementary pack. Minutes: The following Question on Notice was submitted by Councillor Brandon Clayton in advance of the meeting for the consideration of the Leader:
“Is the leader of the council in favour of the government devolution white paper which would mean Redditch losing its identity?”
In responding to the Question, the Leader commented that English devolution would be introduced across Local Government over the following years in line with the Government’s English Devolution White Paper. The purpose of the proposed Local Government Reorganisation was to provide greater powers and control to the local level. As Redditch Borough Council operated in a two-tier authority area, the Council would be impacted by these changes. However, the full implications, including the local government arrangements that would be introduced in the area in the long-term, remained to be confirmed by the date of the Council meeting.
The Leader confirmed that he had been attending regular meetings on this subject, alongside senior officers, partner organisations and sector representatives. Further information was anticipated from the Government on this subject at the end of the month. Once more information was available, Members would consider the implications and the aim would be to ensure that the best arrangements possible were introduced to meet the needs of Redditch residents.
In concluding his response, the Leader urged Members to support him in his proposal for a North Worcestershire Unitary Authority, rather than a Worcestershire Unitary Authority, to be introduced for Redditch.
Councillor Clayton subsequently asked a supplementary question, in which he asked the Leader whether he was in favour of the Government’s English Devolution White Paper.
The Leader commented that he had already answered this question in his previous response. Members were asked to note that the Leader would continue to work with officers to ensure that the Council retained its sovereignty when making decisions on this subject. The Leader also made a further plea to Members to support his proposal to introduce a North Worcestershire Unitary Authority to represent the people of Redditch.
Motions on Notice (Procedure Rule 11) (To Follow) Minutes: The following Motion on Notice was presented by Councillor Craig Warhurst at the meeting:
“Council notes that:
• Redditch and its surrounding villages have a proud history of supporting farmers and a deep connection to the land they farm. • Inheritance Tax reliefs like Agricultural Property Relief (APR) and Business Property Relief (BPR) have been essential in helping farmers pass on their farms to the next generation after a death, allowing the farms to stay within the family, and preserving agricultural production and stewardship of the countryside. • The Labour Government’s recent 2024 Autumn Budget changes to Inheritance Tax relief will impose an effective 20% tax on agricultural assets valued over £1 million, introducing what has been termed the “Family Farm Tax.”
Council notes that the family farm taxes risk:
• Reducing land availability for farming across the Borough and damaging the ability for farmers to pass their farms to their children; • Making food production at competitive prices more difficult for the Borough.
Council resolves:
• That the Leader writes on behalf of the Council to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and the 6 Worcestershire MPs, outlining the Council’s dismay at the decision to restrict APR and urging the Government to halt the Family Farm Tax. • To ask the Executive to consider engaging with local farmers and community representatives to assess how the Council can provide practical support during this challenging period. • To call for a detailed list of affected farms to better understand and address the impact of these changes.”
The Motion was proposed by Councillor Warhurst and seconded by Councillor Matthew Dormer.
In proposing the Motion, Councillor Warhurst commented that farmers had a proud history in the UK. Tax relief had enabled farmers to pass down farms from generation to generation, thereby ensuring that farms remained sustainable businesses. However, Councillor Warhurst expressed concerns that new national taxation rules relating to farmers would place family farms at risk, which would also place at risk the country’s food security. Members were asked to note that the Motion called for the Leader to write to the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs as well as the six MPs in Worcestershire and Councillor Warhurst suggested that this was something that came within the remit of the Council.
In seconding the Motion, Councillor Dormer highlighted his concerns about the potential damage to farming that would arise from the changes to taxation for farms. In particular, concerns were raised that many farming families would feel unable to afford to pass their farms on to their children and this would result in land being sold that might be purchased by developers. As a consequence, there would be potentially more housing development on green belt land.
In responding to the Motion, the Leader highlighted his family’s history in the farming community. Members were asked to note that there had been many changes at a national level over the years that had impacted on farming. ... view the full minutes text for item 59.
Executive Committee Additional documents:
Minutes: The Deputy Mayor highlighted that recommendations from two recent meetings of the Executive Committee were due to be considered at the Council meeting. These Executive Committee meetings had been held on 26th November 2024 and 14th January 2025 respectively.
In considering the recommendations, Members were asked to note that the recommendation arising from the Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) Tranche 1 report, pertaining to a feasibility study for Matchborough, Winyates and Woodrow District Centres had been made at both meetings. To ensure efficiency in the decision-making process, it was suggested that this recommendation should be considered once only during the Council debate.
Carbon Reduction Strategy and Implementation Plan
Members considered the Carbon Reduction Strategy and Implementation Plan. Officers were thanked for their hard work in developing the content of the strategy and action plan and the Overview and Scrutiny Committee was thanked for scrutinising the content of the report in detail.
Revenue and Performance Monitoring Quarter 2 2024/25
The Revenue and Performance Monitoring Report for the second quarter of the 2024/25 financial year was considered.
During consideration of this item, reference was made to the redevelopment of the Town Hall as a community hub and questions were raised about whether the plans for the hub would be changing following publication of the Government’s English Devolution White Paper. Clarification was provided that the current plans for the community hub remained in place and would proceed as previously planned.
Reference was also made to the decision, taken earlier in the year, not to relocate the library into the Town Hall and questions were raised about the financial implications of this for the Council. The Section 151 Officer explained that it was not possible to provide an exact figure of the costs involved at this stage and this information would become more apparent through the external audit process.
Questions were also raised about the potential impact of Local Government Reorganisation on Council revenue streams, particularly in relation to partner organisations that had hired space in the community hub on the understanding that there would be a local government presence. Members were advised that the MTFP was in the process of being reviewed and regeneration projects had been reset. Savings had been identified alongside pressures as part of this process. It was also noted that many of the facilities that would be installed could be used for other purposes.
Food Waste Business Case and Associated Waste Related Issues
The report in respect of the Food Waste Business Case and associated waste related issues was considered at the meeting. Members noted that there remained some areas of ... view the full minutes text for item 60. |
Minutes: Members considered a report from the Joint Appointments Committee which detailed the process in respect of recruitment of a new Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service and a new Deputy Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer respectively.
The Joint Appointments Committee had appointed Members representing both Redditch Borough and Bromsgrove District Councils to serve on a Joint Appointments Sub-Committee. This sub-Committee had acted as a joint recruitment panel, undertaking final interviews on 16th and 18th December 2024 with shortlisted candidates. The Joint Appointments Sub-Committee had been advised by representatives of the recruitment consultants, GatenbySanderson, as well as the current Chief Executive and the Human Resources and Organisational Development Manager.
At the end of the interview process, the Joint Appointments Sub-Committee had recommended the nomination of John Leach to the position of Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service and Robert Watson to the position of Deputy Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer. In both cases, these nominations had been agreed unanimously. The Joint Appointments Committee had endorsed these nominations at a meeting held on 8th January 2025.
The nominations were subject to approval by both Councils. Bromsgrove District Council had already considered and approved the nominations, at a meeting of their Council held on 22nd January 2025. Should the recommendations also be approved at the Redditch Council meeting, the two candidates would be appointed subject to the following further conditions:
· Right to work verification checks · DBS criminal record checks · Medical clearance · Satisfactory reference checks
Council was reminded that there was a legal requirement for the authority to have officers in post in the statutory positions of Head of Paid Service and Section 151 Officer respectively. It was confirmed that the current Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service and the current Deputy Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer would remain in post until the new officers commenced employment with the Councils, to ensure continuing compliance.
During consideration of this item, Members expressed their thanks to the current Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service for her hard work over the preceding 18 months as Chief Executive as well as her lengthy career at a senior level in local government. Members also recorded their thanks to the current Deputy Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer for his hard work, particularly with regard to managing the Council’s finances and submission of three sets of accounts.
In discussing the report, Members commented that the Joint Appointments Committee was recommending the recruitment of two strong candidates. Members expressed the view that they would be well placed to steer the Council through a likely period of uncertainty, given the context of devolution and local government reorganisation.
Reference was made in the debate to the reasons why both candidates had applied for the positions and the extent to which local government devolution could have ramifications for the recruitment process. Council was informed that both candidates were ambitious and dynamic. They were both keen to work with Members to support the organisation ... view the full minutes text for item 61. |
Minutes: The Deputy Mayor confirmed that this report had been withdrawn and would not therefore be debated at the meeting.
Urgent Business - Record of Decisions To note any decisions taken in accordance with the Council’s Urgency Procedure Rules (Part 9, Paragraph 5 and/or Part 10, Paragraph 15 of the Constitution), as specified.
(None to date). Minutes: The Deputy Mayor confirmed that no urgent decisions had been taken since the previous meeting of Council.
Urgent Business - general (if any) To consider any additional items exceptionally agreed by the Mayor as Urgent Business in accordance with the powers vested in him by virtue of Section 100(B)(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972.
(This power should be exercised only in cases where there are genuinely special circumstances which require consideration of an item which has not previously been published on the Order of Business for the meeting.) Minutes: There was no urgent business for consideration on this occasion.