Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Executive Committee - minutes of the meeting held on 12th September 2017'
- Councillor Andrew Fry - Other disclosable - Councillors Baker, Brookes, D Chance, G Chance, Fisher, Fry, Hartnett, Hill, King, Shurmer, Y Smith, R Smith, Wheeler and Witherspoon all declared an other discloseable interest because as members of the Labour party they all benefitted from free use of the civic suite for Labour Party group meetings.
- Councillor Anita Clayton - Other disclosable - Councillors Brunner, Bennett, Bush, Chalk, A Clayton, B Clayton, Dormer, Hopkins, Potter, Prosser, Pulsford and Thain declared other discloseable interests during consideration of this item because they were members of the Conservative Group which held meetings for free in the civic suite at Redditch Town Hall.
- Councillor Anita Clayton - Other disclosable - Councillors Brookes and A Clayton declared other disclosable interests in this item due to their membership of Disability Action Redditch which held meetings in the civic suite at Redditch Town Hall.
- Councillor Antonia Pulsford - Other disclosable - Councillors Brunner, Bennett, Bush, Chalk, A Clayton, B Clayton, Dormer, Hopkins, Potter, Prosser, Pulsford and Thain declared other discloseable interests during consideration of this item because they were members of the Conservative Group which held meetings for free in the civic suite at Redditch Town Hall.
- Councillor Bill Hartnett - Other disclosable - Councillors Baker, Brookes, D Chance, G Chance, Fisher, Fry, Hartnett, Hill, King, Shurmer, Y Smith, R Smith, Wheeler and Witherspoon all declared an other discloseable interest because as members of the Labour party they all benefitted from free use of the civic suite for Labour Party group meetings.
- Councillor Bill Hartnett - Other disclosable - Councillors Baker, D Chance, G Chance, Hartnett and Withersppon declared other disclosable interests in this item due to their involvement with Friends of Gruchet-le-Valasse which held meetings in the civic suite at Redditch Town Hall for free.
- Councillor Bill Hartnett - Other disclosable - Councillors Baker, Hartnett and Witherspoon declared other disclosable interests in this item due to their involvement with Friends of Auxerre which held meetings in the civic suite at Redditch Town Hall for free.
- Councillor Bill Hartnett - Other disclosable - Councillors Hartnett and Witherspoon declared other disclosable interests in this item due to their appointment to the Board of Redditch Co-operative Homes which held meetings in the civic suite at Redditch Town Hall.
- Councillor Brandon Clayton - Other disclosable - Councillors Brunner, Bennett, Bush, Chalk, A Clayton, B Clayton, Dormer, Hopkins, Potter, Prosser, Pulsford and Thain declared other discloseable interests during consideration of this item because they were members of the Conservative Group which held meetings for free in the civic suite at Redditch Town Hall.
- Councillor David Bush - Other disclosable - Councillors Brunner, Bennett, Bush, Chalk, A Clayton, B Clayton, Dormer, Hopkins, Potter, Prosser, Pulsford and Thain declared other discloseable interests during consideration of this item because they were members of the Conservative Group which held meetings for free in the civic suite at Redditch Town Hall.
- Councillor David Thain - Other disclosable - Councillors Brunner, Bennett, Bush, Chalk, A Clayton, B Clayton, Dormer, Hopkins, Potter, Prosser, Pulsford and Thain declared other discloseable interests during consideration of this item because they were members of the Conservative Group which held meetings for free in the civic suite at Redditch Town Hall.
- Councillor Debbie Chance - Other disclosable - Councillors Baker, Brookes, D Chance, G Chance, Fisher, Fry, Hartnett, Hill, King, Shurmer, Y Smith, R Smith, Wheeler and Witherspoon all declared an other discloseable interest because as members of the Labour party they all benefitted from free use of the civic suite for Labour Party group meetings.
- Councillor Debbie Chance - Other disclosable - Councillors Baker, D Chance, G Chance, Hartnett and Withersppon declared other disclosable interests in this item due to their involvement with Friends of Gruchet-le-Valasse which held meetings in the civic suite at Redditch Town Hall for free.
- Councillor Gareth Prosser - Other disclosable - Councillors Brunner, Bennett, Bush, Chalk, A Clayton, B Clayton, Dormer, Hopkins, Potter, Prosser, Pulsford and Thain declared other discloseable interests during consideration of this item because they were members of the Conservative Group which held meetings for free in the civic suite at Redditch Town Hall.
- Councillor Gay Hopkins - Other disclosable - Councillors Brunner, Bennett, Bush, Chalk, A Clayton, B Clayton, Dormer, Hopkins, Potter, Prosser, Pulsford and Thain declared other discloseable interests during consideration of this item because they were members of the Conservative Group which held meetings for free in the civic suite at Redditch Town Hall.
- Councillor Greg Chance - Other disclosable - Councillors Baker, D Chance, G Chance, Hartnett and Withersppon declared other disclosable interests in this item due to their involvement with Friends of Gruchet-le-Valasse which held meetings in the civic suite at Redditch Town Hall for free.
- Councillor Greg Chance - Other disclosable - Councillors Baker, Brookes, D Chance, G Chance, Fisher, Fry, Hartnett, Hill, King, Shurmer, Y Smith, R Smith, Wheeler and Witherspoon all declared an other discloseable interest because as members of the Labour party they all benefitted from free use of the civic suite for Labour Party group meetings.
- Councillor Jane Potter - Other disclosable - Councillors Brunner, Bennett, Bush, Chalk, A Clayton, B Clayton, Dormer, Hopkins, Potter, Prosser, Pulsford and Thain declared other discloseable interests during consideration of this item because they were members of the Conservative Group which held meetings for free in the civic suite at Redditch Town Hall.
- Councillor Jennifer Wheeler - Other disclosable - Councillors Baker, Brookes, D Chance, G Chance, Fisher, Fry, Hartnett, Hill, King, Shurmer, Y Smith, R Smith, Wheeler and Witherspoon all declared an other discloseable interest because as members of the Labour party they all benefitted from free use of the civic suite for Labour Party group meetings.
- Councillor Joe Baker - Other disclosable - Councillors Baker, Brookes, D Chance, G Chance, Fisher, Fry, Hartnett, Hill, King, Shurmer, Y Smith, R Smith, Wheeler and Witherspoon all declared an other discloseable interest because as members of the Labour party they all benefitted from free use of the civic suite for Labour Party group meetings.
- Councillor Joe Baker - Other disclosable - Councillors Baker, D Chance, G Chance, Hartnett and Withersppon declared other disclosable interests in this item due to their involvement with Friends of Gruchet-le-Valasse which held meetings in the civic suite at Redditch Town Hall for free.
- Councillor Joe Baker - Other disclosable - Councillors Baker, Hartnett and Witherspoon declared other disclosable interests in this item due to their involvement with Friends of Auxerre which held meetings in the civic suite at Redditch Town Hall for free.
- Councillor John Fisher - Other disclosable - Councillors Brookes, Fisher, King and R Smith declared other disclosable interests in this item due to their involvement with Redditch One World Link which held meetings in the civic suite at the Town Hall for free.
- Councillor John Fisher - Other disclosable - Councillors Baker, Brookes, D Chance, G Chance, Fisher, Fry, Hartnett, Hill, King, Shurmer, Y Smith, R Smith, Wheeler and Witherspoon all declared an other discloseable interest because as members of the Labour party they all benefitted from free use of the civic suite for Labour Party group meetings.
- Councillor Juliet Brunner - Other disclosable - Councillors Brunner, Bennett, Bush, Chalk, A Clayton, B Clayton, Dormer, Hopkins, Potter, Prosser, Pulsford and Thain declared other discloseable interests during consideration of this item because they were members of the Conservative Group which held meetings for free in the civic suite at Redditch Town Hall.
- Councillor Juliet Brunner - Other disclosable - Councillors Brunner, Bennett, Bush, Chalk, A Clayton, B Clayton, Dormer, Hopkins, Potter, Prosser, Pulsford and Thain declared other discloseable interests during consideration of this item because they were members of the Conservative Group which held meetings for free in the civic suite at Redditch Town Hall.
- Councillor Juliet Brunner - Other disclosable - Councillor Brunner declared an other disclosable interest in this item due to her membership of Unison which held meetings in the civic suite at Redditch Town Hall.
- Councillor Mark Shurmer - Other disclosable - Councillors Baker, Brookes, D Chance, G Chance, Fisher, Fry, Hartnett, Hill, King, Shurmer, Y Smith, R Smith, Wheeler and Witherspoon all declared an other discloseable interest because as members of the Labour party they all benefitted from free use of the civic suite for Labour Party group meetings.
- Councillor Matthew Dormer - Other disclosable - Councillors Brunner, Bennett, Bush, Chalk, A Clayton, B Clayton, Dormer, Hopkins, Potter, Prosser, Pulsford and Thain declared other discloseable interests during consideration of this item because they were members of the Conservative Group which held meetings for free in the civic suite at Redditch Town Hall.
- Councillor Michael Chalk - Other disclosable - Councillors Brunner, Bennett, Bush, Chalk, A Clayton, B Clayton, Dormer, Hopkins, Potter, Prosser, Pulsford and Thain declared other discloseable interests during consideration of this item because they were members of the Conservative Group which held meetings for free in the civic suite at Redditch Town Hall.
- Councillor Natalie Brookes - Other disclosable - Councillors Brookes, Fisher, King and R Smith declared other disclosable interests in this item due to their involvement with Redditch One World Link which held meetings in the civic suite at the Town Hall for free.
- Councillor Natalie Brookes - Other disclosable - Councillors Baker, Brookes, D Chance, G Chance, Fisher, Fry, Hartnett, Hill, King, Shurmer, Y Smith, R Smith, Wheeler and Witherspoon all declared an other discloseable interest because as members of the Labour party they all benefitted from free use of the civic suite for Labour Party group meetings.
- Councillor Natalie Brookes - Other disclosable - Councillors Brookes and A Clayton declared other disclosable interests in this item due to their membership of Disability Action Redditch which held meetings in the civic suite at Redditch Town Hall.
- Councillor Pat Witherspoon - Other disclosable - Councillor Witherspoon declared an other disclosable interest in this item due to her involvement with the Redditch Older People's Forum which held meetings at Redditch Town Hall.
- Councillor Pat Witherspoon - Other disclosable - Councillors Hartnett and Witherspoon declared other disclosable interests in this item due to their appointment to the Board of Redditch Co-operative Homes which held meetings in the civic suite at Redditch Town Hall.
- Councillor Pat Witherspoon - Other disclosable - Councillors Baker, Hartnett and Witherspoon declared other disclosable interests in this item due to their involvement with Friends of Auxerre which held meetings in the civic suite at Redditch Town Hall for free.
- Councillor Pat Witherspoon - Other disclosable - Councillors Baker, Brookes, D Chance, G Chance, Fisher, Fry, Hartnett, Hill, King, Shurmer, Y Smith, R Smith, Wheeler and Witherspoon all declared an other discloseable interest because as members of the Labour party they all benefitted from free use of the civic suite for Labour Party group meetings.
- Councillor Pat Witherspoon - Other disclosable - Councillors Baker, D Chance, G Chance, Hartnett and Withersppon declared other disclosable interests in this item due to their involvement with Friends of Gruchet-le-Valasse which held meetings in the civic suite at Redditch Town Hall for free.
- Councillor Pattie Hill - Other disclosable - Councillors Baker, Brookes, D Chance, G Chance, Fisher, Fry, Hartnett, Hill, King, Shurmer, Y Smith, R Smith, Wheeler and Witherspoon all declared an other discloseable interest because as members of the Labour party they all benefitted from free use of the civic suite for Labour Party group meetings.
- Councillor Rachael Smith - Other disclosable - Councillors Baker, Brookes, D Chance, G Chance, Fisher, Fry, Hartnett, Hill, King, Shurmer, Y Smith, R Smith, Wheeler and Witherspoon all declared an other discloseable interest because as members of the Labour party they all benefitted from free use of the civic suite for Labour Party group meetings.
- Councillor Rachael Smith - Other disclosable - Councillors Brookes, Fisher, King and R Smith declared other disclosable interests in this item due to their involvement with Redditch One World Link which held meetings in the civic suite at the Town Hall for free.
- Councillor Roger Bennett - Other disclosable - Councillors Brunner, Bennett, Bush, Chalk, A Clayton, B Clayton, Dormer, Hopkins, Potter, Prosser, Pulsford and Thain declared other discloseable interests during consideration of this item because they were members of the Conservative Group which held meetings for free in the civic suite at Redditch Town Hall.
- Councillor Wanda King - Other disclosable - Councillors Brookes, Fisher, King and R Smith declared other disclosable interests in this item due to their involvement with Redditch One World Link which held meetings in the civic suite at the Town Hall for free.
- Councillor Wanda King - Other disclosable - Councillors Baker, Brookes, D Chance, G Chance, Fisher, Fry, Hartnett, Hill, King, Shurmer, Y Smith, R Smith, Wheeler and Witherspoon all declared an other discloseable interest because as members of the Labour party they all benefitted from free use of the civic suite for Labour Party group meetings.
- Councillor Yvonne Smith - Other disclosable - Councillors Baker, Brookes, D Chance, G Chance, Fisher, Fry, Hartnett, Hill, King, Shurmer, Y Smith, R Smith, Wheeler and Witherspoon all declared an other discloseable interest because as members of the Labour party they all benefitted from free use of the civic suite for Labour Party group meetings.